Friday, July 5, 2024

With All Our Stuff


Thus says the LORD,
the God of David your father,
"I have heard your prayer.
I have seen your tears.
Behold, I will heal you."

          2 Kings 20. 5

(We are seen.
We are heard.
We are so deeply loved.
When we pray,
it is not just that
   God sees and hears us,
but through prayer,
we are able to see and
   hear God's response.
He opens our eyes
    to something different.
He enlarges our hearts
    to recognize Him.
Prayer is not just about
        speaking to God,
but listening to Him.
God always hears us.
Are we paying attention
              to Him?
God responds
with a compassionate heart,
   in a lot of unexpected ways.
May we not miss Him.)

Thank you for inventing prayer
   that we can come to You,
and we can come before You
       to know You more.
Help us to not hold back
  the things that concern us,
that which we fear
             or worry about,
that which distracts us
        from trusting You.
Abide in us this day.
Help us to confide in You.
Help us to listen.

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