Sunday, July 7, 2024

Wherever He Places Us


And Gedaliah swore to them
   and their men, saying,
"Do not be afraid
because of the Chaldean officials.
Live in the land
and serve the king of Babylon,
and it shall be well with you."

              2 Kings 23. 24

(Being faithful to God
  wherever He places us,
even in the strange,
unfamiliar and uncomfortable,
even in enemy territory,
to be a witness there
in word, deed and attitude.
Infiltrate the culture
    for God's Kingdom.
Don't be like them,
but show them
  life can be very different.)

Help us to know
that every morning
we are going
     into the ministry.
You have given us opportunity
   to be a witness here,
to love others
         right into Your arms,
to let Your Word seep into
every dimension of our lives.
Help us to live in such a way
  that others are compelled
to ask why.
And that would be
        Your love and grace.

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