Monday, February 28, 2022


...a sacrifice of thanksgiving
                to the LORD...

           Leviticus 22. 29

(Am I thankful to God
even when I don't understand,
even when I can't perceive
  or see the outcome on my radar,
or even when
          I will never know?
Being grateful
      for what God is doing
             beyond our control
    and beyond our vision
is how we trust Him.
The sacrifice is not letting go
                  of anything,
but choosing to hold fast
   that God is good,
even in this,
no matter what.
God's work exceeds
      our comprehension.
God never works in
      singular outcomes.
And may I remember this situation
    is not about my glory,
but His.)

May it be foremost in our hearts
to be grateful to You,
acknowledge You,
and live in thankfulness to You
through all of life's blind curves
   and unexpected potholes.
Help us to know
what we need to sacrifice
to remove any impediment
to Your work in our lives
   and others.
Help us to approach this day
   with a new thankfulness
that bears witness to others
      of Your work in our hearts
and in the chronicle of
   Your great faithfulness.
Help us to see differently
  because we are thankful.
Help others not to
      see something different in us,
but to see You.

Sunday, February 27, 2022


...for the consecration of the
anointing oil of his God
is on him...
                   Leviticus 21.12

(As believers,
we are all marked
by His appointing
         and anointing.
We are set apart
       by His grace
       for His purposes.
It is not that
   we are better in any way,
but forgiven.
We belong to Him,
and as a result,
how we live, love, respond,
serve and are
should look very different.
His love can't help
        but change our hearts.)

Please help us to
intentionally bring Your name
into all that we do
and all that we are.
You are the LORD.
You are our LORD.
May Your glory be
           seen and known
through all the earth,
through every unlikely situation,
through every unexpected opportunity
        to honor You.
May we choose
     not to "be different"
but known as Yours
by how we live faithfully
with love, grace and hope,
no matter
      the circumstances.

Saturday, February 26, 2022


...but you shall
love your neighbor
           as yourself.

        Leviticus 19.18

(Not to earn God's love
but how we share
God's love with others,
those we know
    and don't know.
Not that we have to,
    but we get to.
Does anyone see
   anything different about us?
That would be hearts
        changed by Jesus.)

You love us
    because You love us.
Help us to love others
           like that.
Empower us to love others
   because we can't help
           but love them,
even those we do not know,
even those we do not like
      or who do not like us.
May we not just be aware
                   of need,
but respond to needs
  both visible and invisible,
a tangible task,
an unexpected word of kindness,
that others would know
they are heard,
they are seen,
they are loved by us
             and by You.
Fill our pockets with Your grace
      for the day ahead.

Friday, February 25, 2022


"How can one feed
these people with bread here
    in this desolate place?"
And He asked them,
  "How many loaves do
                  you have?"

             Mark 8. 4-5

(This verse always reminds me
of the movie One Fine Day
when the mom keeps
pulling out of her purse
   whatever is needed at the moment.
God does the same for us.
God equips us for ministry
       in unexpected ways
       and in unlikely places
with resources and strength
  we didn't know we had.
What are we holding in our hands?
   More than we realize
   when we come before Him
              with a willing heart.
All given before Him
                  is multiplied.
          Nothing wasted.
          More than enough
God's fundamental law
                of leftovers
   is that He does not just add,
                  but multiplies.
We are faithful to make bread
        on ordinary mornings,
to do what He has placed before us,
to use what He has put in our hands
              and on our hearts.
We have no idea how God
         enlarges and deepens it.)

Help us to see where we are
    not as desolate as we thought,
    but where Your glory is seen.
May we realize that
             You multiply
  in a billion different dimensions.
Your glory triumphs,
     not circumstances.
With You, O LORD,
the landscape
             and our lives look
                very different.
We do not just see need.
    We can respond to it
    with a new heart.
Not what I don't have,
    but what I can do
in Your strength
and for Your glory.

Thursday, February 24, 2022


But may all who seek You
   rejoice and be glad in You;
may those who
               love Your salvation
say continually,
     "Great is the LORD."

                  Psalm 40.16

(Not just when everything seems
     to be going our way,
not as slapping a smiley face
     on the hard stuff of life,
not cheerfully pretending,
but knowing and
     grasping with both hands
the reality of who God is.
How differently
       would we see circumstances,
how differently would we respond,
what a new path we would take,
if we said continually,
             Great is the LORD?
My strength is not my own
                 but His in this.)

May we not just seek an exit
          to this difficulty,
or prescribe our great solutions
          to these problems,
or tell You, Almighty One,
          exactly what to do
                       and when.
But may we seek You.
May we dwell
             in Your strength
and know You are with us.
You are God.
       And You are greater still.
Help us to never forget that.
             Even in this.

Wednesday, February 23, 2022


But immediately
He spoke to them and said,
"Take heart;
              it is I.
   Do not be afraid."
And He got into the boat
                   with them,
and the wind ceased.

              Mark 6. 50-51

(How differently
would we view,
and respond
to this situation,
or storm,
if we knew God was in it
   and He is in the boat
                     with us?
Not just being aware
            of His Presence
but trusting Him in it.)

Grant us the courage
to follow You,
knowing that
     You secure our steps.
Help us to listen to You
    and respond
    and trust You,
whether a frightful journey
  or right where we are.
It doesn't have to be a storm
or a new threshold
or a scary situation
     for us to be faithful to You.
And to know
     You are in the boat.

Tuesday, February 22, 2022


And if any place
   will not receive you
and they will not
         listen to you,
when you leave,
shake off the dust
that is on your feet
as a testimony against them.

               Mark 6. 11

(God does not call us
        to be popular
        or achieve success,
        win the struggle,
        or gain accolades,
but to be faithful
and bring His name there,
  no matter where we are,
  no matter among whom.
Whether others accept us
            or accept God
     does not define us
     nor limit God's power.
We need not feel failure
          but compassion.
Many people did not even
       listen to Jesus.
But God's Word
            always bears fruit
       in unexpected ways
   and among unlikely people.
   God radically transforms
               the landscape
   and plants a forest of sequoias
     through tiny seeds
                   of faithfulness.
Even in what we cannot yet see.)

We walk through and abide in
places that only appear barren.
But You see something different
    and always have deeper plans.
Help us to be faithful,
not looking for others' acceptance,
but seeking to accept them
      and welcome others
           right into Your Kingdom.
We cannot change hearts,
              but You can.
      Even ours.
Show us the way of faithfulness
   in whatever we do today
and know You are already
       bearing fruit through it.
May we follow You,
  even in what we don't yet understand.

Monday, February 21, 2022


Whoever walks in integrity
        walks securely,
but he who makes
        his ways crooked
will be found out.

             Proverbs 10.9

(There are no
         small obediences.
Faithfulness grows
         in the details.
Faithfulness to God
   holds us steady
      and strengthens,
even in ways
          we do not know.
Integrity means
all the pieces fitting together.
But sin and selfishness
     will always find us out,
the pieces falling apart
    particularly under pressure.
Live above reproach.
Make different choices,
          even in this.)

Help us not just to
       make good choices,
but choose to have a new heart
   in whatever we face
   in this day and week.
Guide our steps,
direct our thoughts,
and align our hearts
                    with Yours.
Grant us the courage
   to walk uprightly,
to choose
   what brings You glory
and to live as Yours.
Place in our minds
   a different way through
that we have not
   even thought of before
that has Your name
            all over it.

Sunday, February 20, 2022


Mark the blameless
   and behold the upright...

          Psalm 37. 37

(Who are those godly people
          in our lives?
May we seek them out.
Watch what they do,
observe their ways,
how they live,
how they respond
how they worship God
      and love others.
What distinguishes
              their choices?
How do they navigate
   the hostile
      and the favorable?
And may we realize that
others are watching us
        as followers of Christ
not to see that we are perfect
     but that God is real.
Not that we never make mistakes
   but how we respond
                when we do.
Not that our lives are easier or harder
    but how we live it out
                    with God.)

Help us to seek out
those who love You
that they may teach us
     a different way of life.
Help us to
   not react to circumstances
   but choose to be faithful
                  to You.
May we be a witness
          of Your love and grace
as we walk side by side
with those You have
           placed in our lives
   to point them to You
as others have done
                  for us.

Saturday, February 19, 2022



And Moses said, "This is the thing
that the LORD commanded
           you to do,
that the glory of the LORD
may appear to you."

              Leviticus 9.6

(Whatever God has
      placed before us,
    in our field of vision,
    and on our hearts,
may we be faithful
and bring His glory to it.
        Yes, even in this.
When we listen, obey,
respond and are
      faithful to the LORD,
God redeems,
   reveals Himself in some way,
          and brings good of it
          and His glory to it,
even if we never understand
     or see the result.
God never works
             in singular outcomes.
 We can trust Him.
             No matter what.)

May we be faithful to You
in the favorable
and in the deep valleys,
knowing that
      You are at work
      in us and through us.
Your fruitfulness
           outlives us.
And the story You give us
reveals Your glory
to everyone around us
and to generations
             beyond us.
Help us to follow You
    into this day,
bringing Your glory to it,
building strength for the next.

Friday, February 18, 2022


Trust in the LORD,
         and do good;
dwell in the land
and befriend faithfulness.

             Psalm 37.3

(Trust, do good, dwell,
and pasture, tend, graze,
   and feed on faithfulness.
These are action verbs.
Trusting in the LORD
develops a new heart in us
  and empowers us
                 to do the rest.
Trusting Him does not
 open new doors
       or new options,
but creates new responses
               in our hearts.
    "I never saw that before."
We dwell among others
stirring up faithfulness
tending it like a flock,
and feeding on faithfulness
     as one of our
          daily food groups.
Our lives cannot help
              but be different,
   not just look that way.
Trusting God in this
    means different choices,
          different fruit,
    a different journey,
    and a different outcome.)

We do not just trust You
   for a particular answer,
but we seek You
   and trust You in this
because You are our LORD.
We are not walking alone
     but walking with You.
Help us to be faithful to You
   in all that we do,
   knowing that changes us.
May we be known as Yours.
Because we trust You
          in the ordinary,
we know how to trust You
      in the known, the unknown,
              and the extraordinary.
Trusting You impacts everyone
       around us.

Thursday, February 17, 2022


If anyone sins unintentionally...

             Leviticus 4.2

(Even when
            "I didn't mean to"
or "I had no idea"
or we are deceived into doing
           something wrong,
when we realize
       our transgression
and confess "I was wrong,"
God's forgiveness
    has already covered it.
Jesus made atonement for us.
We are forgiven.
We are not defined by our sin.
              But forgiven.
We cannot afford
     not to deal with our sin,
nor to not seek forgiveness.
      Sin changes us.
But God's grace redeems.)

We ask and accept
           Your forgiveness
           and Your grace.
Thank You for
    making things right
in what we have done
    and what we have
              left undone.
Your forgiveness
      has already covered it.
We cannot earn Your favor.
We don't have to,
    because Your grace redeems.
Grant us Your peace about it
and the courage
      to go forth in Your grace.

Wednesday, February 16, 2022


...a pleasing aroma
          to the LORD.

           Leviticus 1.9

(This phrase is repeated
   seven times
   in the first three chapters.
Is this what lingers
         in what I do,
in how I respond,
in how I treat others,
in how I serve God?
Far deeper than
    having a good attitude
but having a new heart
   even in the hard stuff,
   even in the ordinary.
This is what faithfulness
        smells like.)

May all we do
and all we are
    be pleasing in Your sight
and leave a lingering aroma
         delightful to You,
drawing others to You.
May we know that
spending time with You
infiltrates everything
                about us,
changing our thoughts
         and responses,
and aligning our hearts
                   with Yours.
Help us to be aware
    of Your aroma today
in the choices we make.

Tuesday, February 15, 2022


...they made finely woven garments,
for ministering
        in the Holy Place.

                      Exodus 39. 1

(What's in your closet?
Grace, kindness, goodness,
a transformed heart,
a new attitude,
a desire to bless others?
Take thought and care
in what we put on
    first thing in the morning
    and into our day.
What is hanging in our closets,
what have we put there,
what do we reach for,
what is our favorite covering,
how do we layer
     for hostile weather,
what is our daily response
      to serve God
      and bless others?
What we wear
   determines what we can do.
What we wear
          when we step out the door
   reveals our hearts.
Wherever we are
is a place of ministering
            and holy ground.)

Please show us how to approach
          our situations differently
    because we love You.
Clothe us with Your grace
   in impossible circumstances.
Help us to be prepared,
           trained and ready,
to minister wherever
     we find ourselves today
in the expected, the unexpected,
       the unlikely and the surprises.
May we write Your name with love
               all over it
and be known as Yours.
Help us to wear
        something different today.


Monday, February 14, 2022


He made the basin of bronze
and its stand of bronze
from the mirrors
         of the ministering women
who ministered in the entrance
         of the tent of meeting.

                  Exodus 38.8

(We don't know anything
about these women
except that they
     ministered to others,
and they willingly offered
         what they had
         for worship.
What a beautiful thing
    to be remembered by.
What a beautiful thing
    was created
    by their sacrifice.
God does not just use us
or our stuff
          for His glory.
 He draws out the beauty
     from what we give
     and from our hearts.
How can I serve Him today?
What is before me
        or around me?
What is in my hand?
Where is my heart in this?
Those who seek God
   see all things differently.
Step into the need.
His glory is there.)

We do not often see
      the outcome of our service
      or our work
           dedicated to You
           in all that we do.
But we don't have to see
      the end result
to know that You create
     all along the way.
It is rarely about
       the end of it,
because You always work
   in a billion outcomes.
May we worship You today.
Reveal to us not just
   how we can serve You
but trust You
        in how You redeem.

Sunday, February 13, 2022


So the people were restrained
           from bringing,
for the material they had
was sufficient to do
all the work,
               and more.

             Exodus 36.7

(Think about this difficult task
       or impossible dilemma
     with a new heart.
Bring the creativity of the Almighty
            to the assignment.
God provides more than enough
      to do His work,
           in what is set before us.
And He uses us to chime in
   with what resources we have.
We can't do everything,
       but we can do something.
Generosity brings solutions
  to previously unsolvable problems.
That's what community does.
We are not in this alone.
God never intended that.)

Help us to not just be aware
           of the needs around us,
but to seek out and respond
      even without being asked.
Help us to engage with compassion
    and creativity
    and what we have
to fill the potholes,
put food on the table,
strengthen the saints,
bring Your name
              to this need,
in building Your kingdom,
      every brick profound.
You are not
    the God of just enough,
but the Holy One who provides
              baskets of leftovers.
Help us to step into the need.

Saturday, February 12, 2022


And all the people
among whom you are
shall see
    the work of the LORD,
for it is an awesome thing
   that I will do with you.

             Exodus 34.10

(God is working
even in what
  we cannot yet see,
even when it does not appear
        to be working out.
Awesome things
are far deeper
      than we define them,
far beyond what is
            on the surface
because they impact
    more people than us,
not restricted by time
            or place
   or our understanding.)

Help us to listen to You,
watch with You,
wait for You,
   and respond to You.
Help us to trust You
in what we see
    and what we cannot see.
Our hope is in You,
      in both the now
      and the not yet,
not in changing circumstances.
Draw us to You, O LORD,
which may be
     Your point in this all.

Friday, February 11, 2022


Is it not in
    Your going with us,
so that we are distinct,
I and Your people,
from every other people
    on the face of the earth?

            Exodus 33. 16

(Do others see
    any difference at all in us?
God's Presence,
    His abiding in our hearts,
changes everything
            in what we see,
and how others see us.
How do I approach
       this difficulty,
       this impossible task,
       this hard relationship,
   because I follow Christ?
Our relationship with Him
      alters our hearts,
      our choices,
      even our vocabulary,
not just on clear blue days
   but in the hard stuff,
especially in the hard stuff.)

You don't just go before us.
You walk with us,
aligning our hearts with Yours
    through everything
    we are experiencing.
Draw us nearer, Almighty One.
Your ways
             always reveal
a different kind of walking,
a new response,
a radically different outcome
  that is not even
               on our radar.
May we be distinctive today,
           known as Yours,
walking in Your name,
for Your Kingdom,
for Your glory.

Thursday, February 10, 2022


...and I have filled him
with the Spirit of God,
with ability and intelligence,
with knowledge
   and all craftsmanship,
to devise artistic designs,
to work in gold,
        silver and bronze,
in cutting stones for setting,
and in carving wood,
to work in every craft.

           Exodus 31. 3-5

(It is not in me,
     or any one of us,
but God who fills us
with imagination,
and ability to bring His glory
  to whatever task is before us.
       --in all our work,
  not just what we consider art.
That is what happens to
   a heart willing to serve God
           in every capacity,
    nothing too big and
    absolutely nothing insignificant.
We may think that we see
            the final result,
we may consider it
            infinitesimally small,
but God uses all our work
       far beyond our radar.)

We are Yours.
We are made in Your image.
We are all creative
  in so many capacities,
  because You made us that way.
Help us to approach our problems
       with a new and different heart,
not just to solve
but to bring out Your glory
and write Your name
                all over it.
May Your hand guide ours,
may our heart reflect Yours.
Please let Your Spirit
        infect in new ways.

Wednesday, February 9, 2022


Not as I will,
but as You will.

         Matthew 26. 39

(How to pray
     in any situation.
How would praying that way
change what we pray about,
what we pray for,
how we respond,
how we walk with Him,
what we see and hear,
how God
       opens our hearts,
seeking not just an answer,
                 but Him?)

You do not just open doors
   but open our hearts to You.
You do not just answer
   but align our hearts to Yours.
Help us to know You more
        even in these circumstances,
  even in what we don't understand.
May we seek You.
           And stand amazed.
Help us to expect,
    and look for You.
Order my day.
Guide my steps.
Direct my thoughts.
Align my heart
             with Yours.
Not my will
          but Yours.

Tuesday, February 8, 2022


You shall make them
    for glory and beauty.

              Exodus 28.40

(Do we even consider
the vast dimensions of
         glory and beauty
in what we do,
in how we serve God,
in how we love others?
God is not just about
      getting the job done,
   but in how we do it
     with love, grace and beauty.
God puts the
       flowers on the table.
Am I bringing His glory
   and beauty to this?
Is it an act of worship
     or just a task?
A way of serving Him
     or see this work
     only as a paycheck?
How can we approach
what is before us today
    in love with Him
    and love for others?)

Help us to see our work
and the needs of others
as opportunities to
         love You more.
May we not just fill the task,
and get the job done,
but fulfill Your glory and beauty
      to overflowing.
It is not about what it takes
          for the minimum
   but for the eternal.
You created the world
beautiful beyond words.
May we serve and love You
   and serve and love others
in beautiful ways
unexpected in time and place.
May we walk and respond
   for Your glory,
so seamlessly,
   all the difference in the world,
that which is visible
  an outcropping of the unseen.

Monday, February 7, 2022


It shall be made
with cherubim
skillfully woven into it.

          Exodus 26.31

(How am I approaching
what is before me today?
Bad attitudes,
Or weaving angels
     into the ordinary?
Skillfully brings
    willingness and intention,
    creativity and excellence
                        to the task,
           no matter what it is.
Not having to be the best,
but as we used to tell our kids,
           do your best.
In whatever we do, produce,
    respond and approach,
the glory of God,
His strength,
     and His Presence
seamlessly woven.
There is no distinction
   between visible and unseen,
   significant and insignificant.
All is profound to God.)

In all that You have
          placed before us
     or around us
     or blocking our path,
please help us
   to skillfully work
   a different heart
               into this.
And be faithful to You
     no matter the journey
     or the outcome,
              beautiful to You.

Sunday, February 6, 2022


I will fulfill
the number of your days.

             Exodus 23.26

(God is not just
     filling our time,
but fulfilling each moment
--to complete in its entirety,
plant trees to maturity,
bear fruit that lasts
     far beyond our lifetime,
fully develop
  even what we see
           as ordinary,
           or a roadblock,
   or a sudden turn in the road.
A detour
   is never secondary
   in His ways.
The pieces don't just
             come together,
    but designed to fit
            with no remainders.
God is already working.
God is already preparing us.
Trust in the slow work of God.
He is completing our days
   and covering them
   with His glory.)

Grant to us the courage
   to follow You
   into Your days for us,
even those we don't understand,
   those times and places
   and weird situations
              only You can fulfill.
Help us not just fill up our days
     but seek You in them.
May we be found faithful to You.
May we be found in You.
And someday on the Other Side
     be amazed at what
                 You have done.

Saturday, February 5, 2022


If you meet your enemy's ox
or his donkey going astray,
you shall bring it back to him.
If you see the donkey
    of one who hates you
   lying down under its burden,
you shall refrain from
   leaving him with it;
you shall rescue it with him.

               Exodus 23. 4-5

(Grace sees others differently.
Grace goes beyond
       the call of duty
       and what is expected
and comes alongside.
Grace is never
    a result of earning,
but of yearning,
setting aside rights
   and wounded feelings,
and stepping into need.
Beware of pride getting in the way
of doing what is good,
              right and kind.)

May our love for You
saturate our relationships.
Help us to live
  in such a way
  that Your love is seen
            through us.
Reveal to us
    the needs around us,
    both visible and
          hidden in hearts.
Show us
     how to respond
     in meaningful ways.
Grant us the courage
    and selfless love
that should so mark us
            as Yours.

Friday, February 4, 2022


...keep My commandments
              and live,
keep My teaching
     as the apple of your eye,
bind them on your fingers,
write them on the
    tablet of your heart.

                 Proverbs 7. 2-3

(Write God's name
    at the top of your paper
and at the beginning
              of your day.
How we view God
  changes how we view others,
  how we see circumstances,
  how we respond to favor
          or difficulty,
  which path we choose
    through this situation,
and how we view ourselves.
Not that God is important,
nor prominent,
but preeminent.)

Integrate our lives
     all the way through.
In every place we go,
in all that we do,
may we bring
    the name of Jesus there
        in every dimension.
You, Almighty One, do not just
         change our hearts.
Your Presence
      changes everything.

Thursday, February 3, 2022


You shall love
    the LORD your God
with all your heart
and with all your soul,
and with all your mind.
This is the great
      and first commandment.
And the second is like it:
You shall love your neighbor
                as yourself.

               Matthew 22. 37-39

(These verses show us
not how to earn God's love
but how to abide in it.
The first commandment
    from Deuteronomy 6.5
impacts all that we do
    and how we live.
Faithful Jews repeated it
    twice daily
    to stay on track
        in following God.
But Jesus takes love
            to new level.
Responding to the first
empowers us to
naturally complete the next:
   to love others just as
   we are loved by God.)

Reveal to us today
all the ways we can
       show our love for You
in what we do,
in our attitudes,
in what we think,
how we respond to others,
and how we can love them
        in tangible
        and unexpected ways.
Remind us of Your Word
and of Your love today
in all things great and small
      You place before us
that we may honor You.

Wednesday, February 2, 2022


...but the people of Israel
walked on dry ground
in the midst of the sea.

            Exodus 15. 19

(Walk differently.
Approach the difficult
and defiant
and the impossible
    with a different heart.
When we walk with Him
       in the daily stuff,
we know how to walk
       in the scary stuff,
the rocky parts,
the cliffs,
the miry bog,
    and the midst of the sea.
Not just His hand over mine,
           but His heart.
Circumstances do not prevail
     over His grace.)

May we not just be
           aware of You,
but recognize
        Your Presence
and see in the dark.
Guide us on our paths
that we may
    walk differently before You
and respond differently
                 with Your grace,
     no matter the situation.
Bring Your glory
   to what only appears
   as an impossible Red Sea.
Help us to walk on dry ground
and help others along the way
            to see You.

Tuesday, February 1, 2022


My foot stands
    on level ground...

            Psalm 26. 12

(Watch your steps,
       but don't look down.
Look to Him.
When we walk with God,
   He provides a foothold,
a level spot amidst the rocks,
no matter how impossible
            the circumstances.
Trust Me in this.
And the next step
     will become evident.
And having done all,
                    to stand.
And maybe just a moment
    to take in the view.)

No matter if we are
     climbing upward,
     descending the rocks,
or faced with
  our own personal Red Sea,
          You provide a path.
Help us to be faithful to You,
even when we don't understand,
even when circumstances
             are too much for us.
Because there You are,
   all along with us.
Help me to take Your hand
         in this situation,
ready to follow,
           shoes tied on.
Lead the way, O LORD.