Sunday, July 31, 2022


And Hezekiah
and all the people rejoiced
because God had prepared
            for the people,
for the thing came about

          2 Chronicles 29. 36

(Why are we surprised
     that God has gone before us?
So incredibly much in God's design,
        His provision,
and up His sleeve for our good
    is not even on our radar.
Even the struggles
           bring about His glory.
And especially the hard stuff,
        He always redeems.
God does not just do good.
              He is good.
Noun, not just adjective.)

You specialize in surprises,
that which we don't expect,
that which we don't deserve,
      but because of Your love.
We rejoice in Your provision
    and rejoice even more
    because You are with us.
Let that joy in You,
    not on circumstances,
       be a witness to others.

Saturday, July 30, 2022


He set himself to seek God
in the days of Zechariah,
who instructed him
           in the fear of God,
and as long as
he sought the LORD,
God made him prosper.

             2 Chronicles 26. 5

(How can I set myself up
         to seek God?
How can I seek His instruction?
It doesn't just happen
                   by osmosis,
but intentionally by our daily practices:
           marinating in His Word,
           actually praying to God,
           worshipping Him in our work,
           pursuing with-ness
                 with other believers.
The key phrase in this verse
                        is not prosper,
but as long as he sought God.
God guides and provides
          a very different journey
and a radically different outcome.)

Help us to set up ourselves
       to abide with You,
to walk with You on this path,
to run with You,
       even in difficult places.
Strengthen us by our time with You.
Enlarge our vision
                and our hearts,
that we would worship and seek You,
    not an outcome or answer,
but You,
       freely and fully.
You do not just guide our way.
You walk right with us.


Friday, July 29, 2022


And Amaziah said
      to the man of God,
"But what shall we do about
    the hundred talents
that I have given to the
               army of Israel?"
The man of God answered,
"The LORD is able to give you
        much more than this."

              2 Chronicles 25. 9

(May we allow God
   to enlarge our vision
in everyday matters
       and even the miry bog,
because it always matters.
How do I approach this
because I am seeking God?
How often we let
             such small rocks
                 (and excuses)
    hold us hostage,
    trip us up and distract us
from following Him fully.)

Your will,
            not ours.
Your vision,
       not our myopic scope of things.
Enlarge not just our eyes,
            but our hearts.
Help us to be faithful to You,
    even in what
    we cannot yet see.
You never leave Yourself
            without a witness.
And that would be us
         to live as Yours.
May we bring Your name
   and among whomever
      we are today.

Thursday, July 28, 2022


And Jehoida the priest
gave to the captains the spears
and large and small shields
that had been King David's,
which were in the house of God.

              2 Chronicles 23. 9

(How we live in our relationship with God
provides and protects and equips
and prepares the way
    for those around us
    and every generation that follows.
Yes, it matters that we are faithful,
                        even in this.
           It matters a lot.
Faithfulness reveals a path,
       how to navigate,
       how to walk with Him,
         not just in the hard stuff,
   but through His glory.
We bequeath His strength,
even in what we don't understand,
even to those we don't realize.)

May we live faithfully before You,
knowing fully that
              Your Presence changes us
and impacts everyone around us.
May we leave behind
               a faithful witness
    that You are God,
    You are real,
    and You love each one of us,
        far more than we can know.

Wednesday, July 27, 2022


For we are powerless
against this great horde
that is coming against us.
We do not know what to do,
     but our eyes are on You.
...Thus says the LORD to you,
"Do not be afraid
and do not be dismayed
            at this great horde,
for the battle is not yours
                   but God's."

           2 Chronicles 20. 12, 15

(Of course this is too much
      for us to face alone.
If it were easy
          or in our power,
would we even
    seek God about this?
The key words in this passage are
            but God's.
We are not alone.
We have only to be faithful
    with our eyes on Him.
God is in this,
           and He is with us.
And that makes
          all the difference.)

Because You are with us,
we can approach
      our difficulties,
      shadowy places,
      and our own personal hordes,
with different eyes and
            strengthened hearts.
You have not abandoned us.
Help us to walk with You
      in Your strength and wisdom.
There is something far deeper
           going on,
and that is following You,
being faithful to You
     even in the commonplace,
trusting You
     in the ordinary
     and the extraordinary,
because there is no difference
               in Your eyes.

Tuesday, July 26, 2022


And Jehoshaphat cried out,
and the LORD helped him;
God drew them away from him.

              2 Chronicles 18. 31

(When we turn to the LORD,
     something always happens.
When we trust in the LORD,
     nothing can remain the same.
And foremost, that means our hearts.
"If we do not run steadily
          in the ordinary days,
    we shall do nothing in the crisis."
                  -- Oswald Chambers
Trusting God does not just land
         like a package on our doorstep.
We learn to trust God
     by turning to Him
     when it doesn't seem to matter
so that we know how to trust Him
                     when it does.)

No matter our abilities,
no matter our circumstances,
no matter the impossibilities,
help us to know that
            we are not alone in this.
You are with us.
Align our hearts with Yours,
                   Almighty One.
Help us to trust You even more,
        even in this,
that Your glory will cover
              whatever we face.

Monday, July 25, 2022


But you, take courage!
Do not let
        your hands be weak,
for your work
            shall be rewarded.

             2 Chronicles 15. 7

(Stay faithful on the path.
God is bearing fruit
     through every good work.
It just may not be ripe yet.
The greater fruit lasts
    far beyond our lifetimes.
His fruitfulness emerges through
    our faithfulness to Him,
even in what we do not
          consider as "work."
His extraordinary work in us
     encompasses even what we only see
                 as ordinary.
We do not just survive as we strive,
    but thrive in impossible places.
There are no small obediences.
Take courage!
       God is at work.
"Do not fear.  I am with you.")

We come before You
    to worship You
             in all we do,
 knowing that the Hebrew word
           for work
simultaneously means worship.
May our work not only bear fruit
       but bring You glory.
Help us to see our work
         as worship to You.
We are not called to a task
    but called to You.

Sunday, July 24, 2022


...for this thing
       is from Me.

           2 Chronicles 11. 4

(We will not always understand,
but we can trust God about it.
How differently
      would we approach
               this situation,
if we knew God was in it?
It is not a matter of
          just getting through it,
or more than being victorious,
but knowing Him even more,
       and His fathomless love.
"Do not be afraid.
           I am with you.")

Help us to not just survive
       but thrive
in unlikely places
   and among impossible people.
Help us to not just focus
           on circumstances,
      nor be defeated by them,
but strive for Your glory.
Even in this
     to be a witness for You
that others might come to You
and we might know You more.
Empower us to pray continually,
          live faithfully,
          love well,
    and practice grace over and over.

Saturday, July 23, 2022


He made my feet
like the feet of a deer
and set me secure
        on the heights...
You gave a wide place
for my steps under me,
    and my feet did not slip.

                 Psalm 18. 33, 36

(These are not pep rally words,
but words rooted firmly in the
       harrowing experiences of David,
  a chronicle of God's faithfulness,
  a windshield and
           a rear view mirror,
what was and what is now
       and not yet.
The word secure
    means a firm attachment,
not dependent on circumstances
      but God's strong hold on us
           and to take one's stand,
even in the pits,
even in our high and scary places,
even here, even in this,
in the right now and
       in what we cannot yet see.
Faithfulness is tying on our trail shoes,
scripture and prayer our trekking poles,
         and God our guide.
The journey is always more profound
          than the outcome
as we learn to trust Him more.)

Your Presence changes everything
about what we see,
      even what we don't see,
how we respond,
how we navigate,
how we live differently,
    even where there seems no trail.
Help us to not be distracted today
     but keep our eyes on You.
You have Your eye on us.

Friday, July 22, 2022


In my distress
I called upon the LORD;
to my God I cried for help.
From His temple
       He heard my voice,
and my cry to Him
       reached His ears.

              Psalm 18. 6

(These were not just
    empty words of David,
but sung to the LORD
on the day when
    the LORD rescued him
    from the hand of
    all his enemies.
David did not just seek Him,
not just acknowledge His hand,
     but sung what he witnessed.
Feeling overwhelmed is just knowing
    we cannot do it without Him.
We need but to whisper, "Help me!"
God does not just show up.
            He is already here.
"Do not be afraid.
             Stay close to Me."
And absolutely nothing
    can remain the same.)

We pray,
we set our minds on You
    and not the circumstances,
we seek Your face
    and not just a particular answer,
we turn towards You
    to walk with You in this.
May our responses reflect You,
   Whom we worship and serve
              and love.
Our lives cannot remain the same
          or even look the same.
But faithful.

Thursday, July 21, 2022


My steps have held fast
        to Your paths;
my feet have not slipped.

                  Psalm 17. 5

(Even in the high
      and terribly scary places,   
    don't look down.
Even when we don't know
   where the path is going,
     don't look too far ahead.
Even right where we are
        in today's circumstances,
      don't give up,
                but run with Him.
We hold fast to Him.
But God has an even
      stronger hold on us.
He embraces us even more.
"Trust Me in this."
And that changes everything.)

Remind us of Your Presence.
We do not do life alone
      but run with You.
We cannot help
      but run differently,
see circumstances with
    new eyes,
see You with a renewed love,
see others with
            a refreshed heart.
Help us to hold fast to You.
Worshipping You
    irrevocably changes us.
We are Yours.

Wednesday, July 20, 2022


In that night
God appeared to Solomon,
and said to him,
"Ask what
        I shall give you."

        2 Chronicles 1. 7

(God comes before
        each one of us daily
and asks us the same.
How do we respond?
Do we respond at all?
Do we recognize
    that God is in this place,
    this situation,
    these choices that we make?
What is foremost on my heart?
Of what have I asked God:
     for stuff,
     for a prescribed answer,
or seeking Him in this day?
Where we go,
what we do,
how we respond to favor
       or to crisis,
depends if we run with Him
     on the most ordinary days.
What or Whom
     I have placed before me
determines my path
and how I answer Him.)

We come before you
             in worship,
    seeking You
            in all these things.
Help us to be sensitive
        to what is eternal .
Help us to trust You
   for Your deeper purposes
and know that
           all we have is from You.
     All we have is You.
And Your Presence
    is not just all we need,
but spills over
       into everything about us.
Help us to approach this day
        with a different heart
that You will be glorified,
   even in ways we cannot see.
You come to the door of our hearts
              each morning,
waiting to run with us.
And there is nothing
           better than that.
   We don't run alone.
Soli Deo Gloria.

Tuesday, July 19, 2022


Then David said to Solomon his son,
"Be strong and courageous
                      and do it.
Do not be afraid
     and do not be dismayed,
for the LORD God, even my God,
                is with you.
He will not leave you
                  or forsake you,
until all the work
for the service of the
   house of the LORD is finished."

                1 Chronicles 28. 20

(We don't have the time,
                space, or energy
to be distracted
          or carry fear with us.
But just do the work
    God has set before us.
Feeling overwhelmed
   is realizing
   I can't do this work without Him.
God does not want our stuff,
      accomplishments or success,
but willing and faithful hearts,
working, doing, responding,
bearing His fruit
        and bringing His glory,
even in this.)

We seek to dwell with You
   in this situation,
   even this dilemma,
and live like that.
Help us to realize
    that our response
              to Your nudging
  multiplies in the lives
                    of others
and encourages them
    to follow You too.

Monday, July 18, 2022


...over those who did the work
   of the field for tilling the soil
...over the vineyards
...over the olive oil
            and the sycamore trees
...over the stores of oil
...over the herds in the valley...

             1 Chronicles 27. 26-29

(All of us are essential workers
            in God's Kingdom,
     no effort overlooked,
     no one at all insignificant.
How differently
  would we approach our work
  if we saw it
         as sacred service to the LORD,
   which ultimately it is?
Every good endeavor
   bears fruit for eternity,
         far beyond our lifetimes,
         way deeper than we can see.
We have only to be faithful
    in what daily
    He places before us.)

Help us to trust You.
You are before all things
      and in all things.
                 Even in this.
In You,
  all things hold together. (Col.1.17)
Our work
         when it is done in Your name
    is never one-dimensional
                but eternally bearing fruit.
May we be faithful to You
   and be known
        not even by our accomplishments
        but as Yours.

Sunday, July 17, 2022


But I have trusted
    in Your steadfast love;
my heart shall rejoice
    in Your salvation.
I will sing to the LORD,
because He has dealt
    bountifully with me.

              Psalm 13. 5-6

(When we know how
    deeply God loves us,
we can see and approach,
      navigate and respond
to circumstances differently
with His strength
                  and vision.
We need not be afraid
    or in despair,
    for God is with us
and reveals Himself to us.
                    Even in this.
Nothing random
       can overtake us.
God has given each one of us
    an ongoing chronicle
               of His faithfulness.
Trusting God is not just
     relying or depending,
but staking our lives
               on His love.
He is not just with us.
He has gone before us.
God loves us right through
        whatever we face.)

If we knew You are here,
that You are in this,
     we would not be afraid.
We learn to trust You
     in the every days
that we may already know
  Your Presence and strength
   in the crisis.
Help us to not be distracted
      by circumstances
            --favorable or impossible--
but to know, follow, trust
          and run with You.

Saturday, July 16, 2022


And they were to stand
      every morning,
thanking and praising the LORD,
     and likewise at evening.

              1 Chronicles 23. 30

(Bookends of the day,
going into the day
    with God's strength
and at sunset,
    acknowledging Him.
We see the day
           with a renewed heart,
we see God differently,
   respond to our circumstances,
   now aware of our surroundings
       to serve Him
         and love others.
Not a difficulty after all,
    but an opportunity
    to witness His Presence.
And we are empowered to live
   in such a way
   that is not the same as before.
Worshiping God
             changes us.)

You are our strength and courage.
You have not left us
    to drum it up on our own.
In worshiping You,
   we discover that You fill us
   with exactly what we need today.
Help us to remember
                to stand
in praising and thanking You,
not just in the outcomes,
     but right in our daily trek.
This day is Yours, O LORD,
    guide us into it.
When we worship You,
   we hear You whisper,
       "Remember I am with you."

Friday, July 15, 2022


In the LORD
    I take refuge...

          Psalm 11. 1

(Not in circumstances,
not in favorable surroundings,
not in getting my way,
not in my own abilities,
       but in Him.
A refuge is where
              and in Whom
not to escape or hide
  but to be strengthened
  and able to go forth
Seeking God,
       trusting Him in this,
changes our journey,
transforms our hearts,
and radically alters the outcome,
   most of which we are not aware.
Trusting God is not an event,
       but a pattern of response,
fully developed not in crisis,
   but on the most ordinary days
             and littlest details.
Indeed, there are
            no ordinary days,
    nor small details.
His refuge,
             my home address.)

May we seek refuge in You
from the very beginning
                of this day,
that we may be well aware
    of Your Presence with us.
Remind us as we go forth
   where we have been,
nourished, strengthened
    and changed
    by our time with You.

Thursday, July 14, 2022


Then King David went in
and sat before the LORD,
and said,
"Who am I, O LORD God,
and what is my house,
that You have brought me
                     thus far?
And this was
     a small thing in Your eyes,
                           O God."

                1 Chronicles 17. 6

(What appears like
    an impossible roadblock to us
is but a small detail
in which God not only provides
           in His way and timing
but even more,
          reveals Himself to us.
The key here is
        going before the LORD
        and sitting with Him.
We are looking for answers,
   but God is looking for us.
Where is my heart in this?
God is bringing us through,
sometimes in unexpected ways
   we do not yet recognize.)

These huge struggles
    that threaten to defeat us
are just a small detail to You.
And someday we will be amazed,
          "I was scared of that?"
You are God.
You are not just so much bigger
           than this difficulty,
   but You are using it for Your glory.
Help us to be faithful to You,
       follow You in the ordinary,
and learn to trust You,
               even in this.
We come before You, O LORD,
    not the circumstances.

Wednesday, July 13, 2022


Why, O LORD,
do You stand far away?
Why do You hide Yourself
    in times of trouble?

           Psalm 10. 1

(Decades and decades ago,
an old pastor asked,
            "Who moved?"
God is not absent.
God is drawing us
     into His deeper Presence.
God is still with us.
Follow Me, not circumstances.
      Trust Me, even in this.
"Do not be afraid.
             I am with you."
How would we respond
          if we knew
         God is in this?
   I am still walking with Him.)

Help us to seek You
          and Your strength
and to seek Your Presence
        (1 Chronicles 16. 11)
Not just a path
         of least resistance
   but what leads me to You.
Not just an acceptable answer,
a viable solution,
a new door or path,
          but seeking You.
          even in this.
We are not alone after all.
You walk with us.
You go before us.
You embrace us
     with Your love.
Help us to be
          faithful to You.

Tuesday, July 12, 2022


And David said,
"God has broken through my enemies
by my hand
                like a bursting flood."
Therefore the name of that place
    is called Baal-perazim.

                     1 Chronicles 14. 11

(This is one of my favorite verses.
Baal-perazim literally means
       the Lord of breaking through.
God breaks through our fears
             and the overwhelming
and reveals His Presence with us.
God specializes
           in impossible situations
and releases His glory all over them.
If we are only waiting
                for God to show up,
    we are the ones late for the party.
God has already gone before us.
Are we willing
             to follow Him into it?
Or to trust Him in this?
This is not the end of the story,
    but only the exciting part.)

Help us to trust You
in the ordinary
         and in the crisis.
Help us to realize
                that trusting You
   radically changes
   the journey and the outcome
       because we recognize
                not our own greatness,
           but Yours.
Nothing can remain the same
             in Your Presence.
You are not about to
          abandon us now.
But hold us even tighter.

Monday, July 11, 2022


There we found
       brothers and sisters...
On seeing them,
Paul thanked God
             and took courage.

                Acts 28. 14-15

(Even in the most
          unexpected places,
wherever we are,
God provides other believers
          woven into our lives.
Seek them out.
        Other saints are here.
God never meant us
        to go it alone.
        with God's people
     are not an option.
We need each other.
God uses fellowship
    to strengthen us
and give us courage.
We need the other saints,
    far more than we know.
Courage and encouragement
     are mutual ongoing gifts
             to one another.)

Guide us,
not just to those who nurture us,
           but to those
           we can encourage.
You are our refuge,
   a place of strengthening
             from where to go forth.
Help us to be a refuge
                     for others,
     to do life together,
    help each other on the path,
     and draw us closer to You.

Sunday, July 10, 2022


...and giving thanks to God
     in the presence of all...

                   Acts 27. 35

(Not just "I'm thankful for this,"
but "I am grateful to God."
Even giving thanks to God
                     out loud
distinguishes us as believers,
not to draw attention to ourselves,
         but point to His Presence.
People are thankful
               for a lot of stuff,
but it rarely even occurs
    in our culture anymore
        to thank God
        in the presence of all.
The act of verbal thanks
   changes how we see You,
   how we see circumstances,
   how we see others,
   and how we see ourselves
                 as Your beloved.)

May our words of gratefulness
    be not just a witness to others
            but to bring glory to You.
May our words reflect
         our love for You
    and our gratefulness
      not just for what You do,
      but who You are.
We love You, O God.
You are so good to us.

Saturday, July 9, 2022


When neither sun nor stars
   appeared for many days,
and no small tempest lay on us,
all hope of our being saved
was at last abandoned.

                  Acts 27. 20

(This hard, difficult, impossible
      situation upon each of us
is not the end of the story,
          as it appears,
but the most exciting part.
Now watch what God
                 does with this.
God specializes
             in the impossible.
Scripture is laden with stories,
    not just of miracles
               and narrow squeaks,
but His faithfulness
                       every day.
God redeems,
and not just in what
              is visible to us.
"Trust Me in this.")

We cannot know Your outcomes
       in our situations,
but we can know
              that You do.
We need not be afraid,
    because You are with us
              all the way.
You are a refuge for us,
not in which to hide and cower,
but to be strengthened
         from where to go forth.
The unknown is
            not unknown to You.
Help us to approach
   the ordinary
   and the overwhelming
because we know and love You.
Help us also to be aware
   that others are learning from us
how to walk with You.

Friday, July 8, 2022


...given into their hands,
for they cried out to God
              in the battle,
and He granted their urgent plea
   because they trusted in Him.

                    1 Chronicles 6. 20

(We all struggle with something.
Has it occurred to me
    to bring it before Him?
Am I crying out to God
   or mumbling a prayer?
Am I seeking God
   or just an answer?
Is prayer our first response
            or last resort?
It was not that these people
          were so great
but they trusted in Him,
   even in the hard stuff.
When we trust God,
  we approach things differently.
The outcome is as much
               in the journey
   as in the results.
             Maybe even more.
God never works
   in singular outcomes.
Trusting God
   impacts everyone around us.
          More than we know.)

And what if
    we trusted in You
    about this struggle,
    about this difficult situation
            or difficult people?
Life can never be the same.
We may not understand,
   but You are God.
There are no random encounters
    but You strategically place us
                    for Your glory.
May others see something
            different in us
    and that would be You.
A witness for You evidenced
     by what we say,
how we respond,
what we do,
and how we love.

Thursday, July 7, 2022 because
        they were craftsmen
...the house of linen workers
...the potters
   who were the inhabitants
             of Netaim and Gederah.
They lived there
             in the king's service.

              1 Chronicles 4. 14, 21, 23

(In God's economy,
there is no divide
   between significant
                 and insignificant.
Faithfulness in all dimensions
       brings fruitfulness.
No detail too small,
    no work overlooked.
We are all essential workers
           in His kingdom
in whatever,
among whomever He has
    strategically positioned us,
    laid before us,
               and on our hearts.
We serve
    not because we have to,
    but we get to,
          out of our love for Him.
Would I approach this work differently
    if I was laying it before Him?)

We don't need to know the outcome
            of our efforts,
just to know that adovah in Hebrew
means simultaneously
        work, worship and service.
Help us to see our work
     with the honor of
               adoring You.
May we do all things this day
      with excellence
                    for Your glory,
                    in Your name,
        and for Your kingdom.

Wednesday, July 6, 2022


A person's gift
   makes room for him
and brings him
   before the great.

        Proverbs 18. 16

(God provides opportunities
       all around us
to exercise our giftedness.
                  from Him.
Not exclusive to talent,
   or refined skills,
   or "really good at that" abilities,
but the fruit and gifts of the Spirit
    that God develops in us.
As we use our gifts,
God enlarges and deepens
      our spheres of influence.
Am I following Him
    into those opportunities?
Strategically positioned by Him
         in time and space.
Divine appointments.
Sacred encounters.
We rarely realize
  the significance of the moment,
    nor the fruit He bears.)

We see difficulties,
we see hard stuff,
we are often overwhelmed
        by our inabilities.
But You, O God,
    You see opportunities
not just to do stuff
   but to trust You more.
Fill us with Your Spirit
   that we would
   not only see need,
              but respond.

Tuesday, July 5, 2022


The following night
the Lord stood by him and said,
"Take courage;
for as you have
    testified to the facts
    about Me in Jerusalem,
so you must testify
         also in Rome."

            Acts 23. 11

(Faithfulness does not
   just prepare us
       for the next big thing,
but the now equips us
                even for today.
Preparation does not mean
   learning to use
          what is in our toolbox
           or skill set,
     but learning to take courage
     from the reality of God with us.
There are no small obediences,
       nor unconnected ones.
One strength builds on another
    in degrees
    and interwoven layers
          we don't even realize.)

Help us to trust You
   in whatever we face today,
responding to You
    and to others
with a heart set on You.
May we not just be
          mindful of You
in this situation
        or difficult relationship,
but have the mind of Christ,
                   even in this.
Fill each of us
   with the courage we need,
knowing that we are not alone.
Help us also
   to know that Your courage
empowers us also
           to encourage others.
May we bring the
             name of Jesus
wherever we are today,
in conversation,
in deed,
and even in attitude.

Monday, July 4, 2022


And the Lord said to me,
     and go into Damascus,
and there
     you will be told
all that is appointed
            for you to do."

             Acts 22. 10

(Every day
is a story of God's faithfulness.
God guides us
              on the journey
and reveals Himself
    more fully along the way.
God never works
        in singular outcomes.)

Help us to follow You
  into Your day for us.
Help us to realize
  Your Presence with us
       even in the ordinary,
which is never ordinary.
You are our refuge of strength
     from which we go forth.
Empower us to be a witness
    as we follow You.

Sunday, July 3, 2022


His delight
is not in the strength
           of the horse,
nor His pleasure
    in the legs of a man,
but the LORD takes pleasure
    in those who fear Him,
in those who hope
    in His steadfast love.

             Psalm 147. 10-11

(God's pleasure and delight
is not in what we do,
even in what we "do for Him,"
       but in us
       and being with us.
He loves us.
           Love Him back.)

May we seek You
    in all that we do,
    with all our strength,
to walk with You,
abide in You,
and know that
     You are our God.
We love You.
And praise Your holy name.

Saturday, July 2, 2022

…he related

                one by one

the things that God had done

among the Gentiles

            through his ministry.

And when they heard it,

     they glorified God.


                  Acts 21. 19-20


(God has given each one of us

      a story for His glory

and a chronicle of His faithfulness,

not just for our own sake

   but to build up and encourage

   those around us,

        both those who believe in You

        and those seeking You.

In a court of law,

a witness describes

   what they know,

   what they have seen,

   and what they have experienced.

In God’s kingdom,

   we are called to do the same.

Others are continually watching us

    to know if God is real,

What do we talk about?

What do they hear,

    what do they overhear?)



You are among us.

You have strategically positioned us

     in time and space,

     in circumstances,

     and in relationships

             to bring You glory.

Help us to speak out,

not just about what You do

       but who You are.

Not just to point others to You

    but to continually remind us

    of Your Presence and power.

Use us as a witness for You

             in this very day,

There are no insignificant details

    and every response,

           every word,

even our attitudes

    bear not just witness,

but Your eternal fruit.