Friday, July 26, 2024

Not I Have To, But I Get To


...praise and ministry...
as the duty of each day required...

            2 Chronicles 8. 14

(These actions, intentions,
         and attitudes
are not a once in a while
but a daily pursuit to praise God
  and to minister to others,
each day a little differently,
according to the needs,
  requirements and opportunities
           on this particular day.
Not "I have to,"
    but "I get to,"
       determines our posture,
changes our view,
impacts our readiness to respond,
      and how we do it.)

May we praise and honor You
   and minister to You
   and those around us
in Your holy name,
for Your Kingdom's sake,
           and for Your glory.
We would do anything for You.
Help us to realize
   that what is before us
   on this ordinary day
       may be exactly that.
Help us to know
  that when we are
  faithful to You
             in the ordinary,
 You strengthen us
      for the extraordinary.

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