Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Others are Listening


The following night,
the Lord stood by him
and said,
"Take courage,
for as you have testified
to the facts about Me
       in Jerusalem,
so you must also
       testify in Rome."

                Acts 23.11

(God has strategically placed
   each one of us
on this sacred ground
             and time
to bring His name here
  and live out the gospel.
Every opportunity
    that we bear witness
    and share our faith
God strengthens us
            for the next
and gives someone else
  the freedom to do the same.
Even when we are unaware,
   others are listening
   and impacted for eternity.
We are nourished
      by our experience.
God enlarges our hearts
            for other people.
We see and respond
    with a new energy.)

Make us aware.
Help us to pay attention
   to the needs of souls
   all around us.
Reveal to us how to respond
    and love others
            right to You.
Grant us the courage
  to speak of You
even in unexpected places
    and to unlikely people.
Help us to tell stories
   of Your love, grace
and faithfulness to us
so others can know
        Who You are.

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