Monday, July 22, 2024

Can't Do It Without You Too


...and I made preparations
           for building.

         1 Chronicles 28.2

(In God's kingdom,
 in His purposes,
 in His work,
each one of us is vital
     to do our part.
We are all anointed
             and appointed,
sometimes to hit the last nail,
  to bring the work
  to completion.
Sometimes to come
    alongside others to help,
    assist, encourage,
    or hold a board in place.
Sometimes with no recognition
    to prepare, gather,
         cut up the veggies,
 for someone else
       to pull it all together.
Are we seeking our own glory
     or the glory of God in this?
May we acknowledge the quiet ones,
even to be one of the quiet ones,
   behind the scenes,
     who do the heavy lifting,
the thousands of faithful ones 
 who prepare
  for the wellbeing of others
  and take joy in serving God.
That's what the Body does.
God says, "We can't do it
        without you too.")

Help us to approach this work
  with a willing heart
to contribute what we are able
  for Your kingdom.
Help us to realize there are
    no small acts
         of faithfulness
    or singular heroes.
And indeed, what is most valuable
    may be the most invisible
                   to our eyes,
   but extraordinary in Yours.
Grant to us the eyes and heart
   not just to pitch in,
   or play our part,
but to bring You glory
in whatever You place
     in our hands today.
Let not pride handicap us,
but let Your grace
      saturate it all.

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