Wednesday, July 24, 2024

The Aim, Purpose and Means of Doing It order that we may
    bear fruit for God.

               Romans 7. 4

(Right where God leads,
exactly what He has
     laid before us,
  no insignificant details,
  nothing extraneous,
  nothing random,
among whom we are,
in what we are skilled
  and in what we are not,
convenient or a hassle,
comfortable or
        incredibly difficult,
may we sow, nourish,
and be very aware
   of every opportunity
to bear fruit for God,
even in what will only appear
   far beyond our lifetimes.
We can never know
  what abundance God is bringing.
The phrase in order to means
  with the aim, for the purpose,
  and as a means of doing it.
He provides the aim,
   the purpose and the means.
God always multiplies
   willingness and faithfulness
way beyond measure.)

Help us to direct our situation
      right to You,
knowing that You have
  strategically positioned us
for such a time, place,
   and purpose in this.
Empower us to
   walk differently into this day,
not just in our words and work,
    but with a fresh heart
and an attitude
     that brings You glory
and bears every kind of fruit.

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