Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Not Giving Up Anything


And Amaziah said
      to the man of God:
"But what shall we do
  about the hundred talents
that I have given
  to the army of Israel?"
The man of God answered:
"The LORD is able to
    give you much more
    than this."

             2 Chronicles 25. 9

(Sometimes responding to God
means running toward
and sometimes walking away.
Trust Me in this.
God has something much deeper
                 in mind
  of which we may not yet see.
Indeed, that we may not
           ever realize
     His significance in it.
When we respond
   and follow God into it,
we are not giving up anything.
Nothing can compare
    to faithfulness to Him.
We cannot see
    the other side of this.
But we can realize
  a closer walk with Him
changes everything
backward, forward,
   and even in this day.)

Help us to trust You
  in what You have led us to do,
even in what is hard,
even in what we don't understand,
     even in the unexpected.
Fulfill Your eternal designs
   not just in this situation,
                       but in us.
Give us the strength and wisdom
    to direct this appointment to You.
You are able
    to give us much more than
    we can ever imagine,
a deeper relationship with You.
And nothing can compare
                   with that.

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