Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Holding Fast


For he held fast to the LORD.
He did not depart
          from following Him,
but kept the commandments
that the LORD commanded Moses.
And the LORD was with him.
Wherever he went out,
           he prospered.

             2 Kings 18. 6-7

(What is the one thing?
For he held fast 
             to the LORD.
Being faithful to God
  wherever He places us.
As St. Patrick prayed,
"Binding ourselves to Him."
That changes everything:
how we approach our day,
how we navigate
     hard stuff and the joys,
what we do, what we say,
the way we pursue,
how we view circumstances,
   ourselves, others
              and God Himself.
God changes
     the course of our lives.)

Please help us
  to hold fast to You
when so much is
   trying to distract
   and pull us away.
May we take Your hand
   and walk with You.
Guide us into this day.
Empower us
     not just to be faithful
but to know how
       to do that.
Grant to us
   a different way through this
that we may be a witness
     even in the ordinary,
especially in the unexpected.
Help us to know
        Your strong hold on us.

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