Sunday, July 14, 2024

Practicing Peace in Impossible Situations


Peace, peace to you,
and peace to your helpers!
For your God helps you.

        1 Chronicles 12. 18

(Peace does not hinge
on an absence of conflict,
but another way through it,
a sense of well-being
that pervades even in
   the midst of trouble.
And that comes from
recognizing God's help,
  strength and Presence.
Have we prayed over
     this situation first
to seek His way in this?)

There are so many forces
   around us that try
   to keep us from You.
No matter the trouble,
please use this situation
   to form something new
and fresh and different
                  in us.
Help us to practice
         the art of peace
  in impossible situations.
Build Your strength
    layer upon layer
that we would already know
how to bring Your name here.
You are our peace.
   On You we can depend.
And You have made us
  for Your glory,
even in --or especially in--
   the midst of hardship.
Show us Your different way
    right through this day.

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