Thursday, July 25, 2024

Being Attentive


If My people
who are called by My name
humble themselves
and pray
and seek My face
and turn from their wicked way,
then I will hear from heaven
and will forgive their sin
     and heal their land.

       2 Chronicles 7. 14

(If we choose to be
     called by His name,
   we should look and act
Humble ourselves,
  not just justify our wrongdoing.
Pray not to our own desires,
  but to the Almighty.
Seek God foremost
   in every situation,
   even this difficulty today.
Being attentive to His way
   and His heart in this.
   not keep on the same path,
same direction, pattern
                and practice.
Does anyone see
      His grace in us?
Or our willingness
        to seek Him?)

We walk into this day,
not just bearing Your name,
but in order that
  all the peoples of the earth
  may know Your name.
Align our hearts with Yours
    in all that we do, say,
    tackle, work out, approach
    and navigate today.
Give us Your strength
   to be a witness
            of Your grace,
courage to do what is right,
and the faithfulness
    to pray and seek You,
not just a way through
  but walking with You.

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