Saturday, July 13, 2024

God's Way Through the Chaos


He did not seek
  guidance from the LORD.

           1 Chronicles 10. 14

(And then we wonder
       what went wrong?
Ignoring, avoiding,
    turning away from God
    never ends well.
Neither the journey
            nor the outcome
   can ever be the same.
We need always to ask:
    Am I walking with God
    through this situation?
God enlarges our minds
    to approach and navigate
He alters our hearts
   to grasp the unexpected
and see another way in this,
   His deeper vision and
     incredible purposes.
And provides His strength
    far beyond our own.)

We seek not just Your guidance,
   but we seek You.
Help us to follow You
   in whatever is before us,
whether bushwhacking
      through the thicket
or staying in our lane.
Synchronize our thoughts
      with Yours
that we may walk differently
        into this day.

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