Monday, July 1, 2024

Arrows of Victory


Then Elisha said, "Shoot,"
           and he shot.
And he said,
"The LORD's arrow of victory..."

             2 Kings 13. 17

(When we follow
      God's direction in this,
even when it doesn't appear
           to make sense,
God brings His victory
in unlikely and unexpected ways.
He releases
            His arrow of victory.
There are no small victories,
      only eternal ones.
There are no small obediences.
We may not be able
      to see the outcome,
but we can trust Him into it.
Victory is not about winning
    but being faithful.
Victory is not redefined,
   but what is being redeemed.)

We pray as You guide us
    into this day
    or into this fray.
Help us to claim for You
  whatever You have
  put before us.
It is not about success
           or failure,
but what You do with it.
Soak our situations
     with Your glory.
Empower us to bring
   Your grace and mercy
into volatile circumstances,
that all concerned
   will know You are here.

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