Sunday, July 21, 2024

Not Just a Repair Job


When the LORD restores....

         Psalm 14. 7

(The word restores does not
appear as future tense
  --something in the
unforeseeable time to come--
   but first person present.
Past, present and future
  are intimately woven.
God is incredibly already at work,
  not just in the process,
  but in the completion.
God does not just repair
  and glue together
  the broken fragments.
God redeems.)

We pray not for restoration,
    but pray to You.
We cannot know
      how the pieces unfold
      or are divinely fit together,
  the visible, the unseen,
  even what does not yet exist.
But we can know
           and trust You.
Your redeeming
   is never limited just to us.
Please help us
  to keep our eyes on You.
Even in this.

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