Saturday, July 27, 2024

For We Rely on You


And Asa cried to the LORD his God,
"O LORD, there is none
       like You to help,
   between the mighty and the weak.
Help us, O LORD our God,
       for we rely on You,
and in Your name we have
  come against this multitude.
O LORD, You are our God;
let not man prevail against You."

             2 Chronicles 14. 11

(Prayer is not letting God
    know our situation,
but recognizing, acknowledging
    and verbalizing
            our need for Him.
"For we rely on You"
  changes how we both
         approach and navigate
         our circumstances.
He is God, and we are not.
He is our God.
Trust Me in this.  Follow Me.
Prayer gives us pause
          to do exactly that.)

We rely on You,
much more than we say,
so much more than
    we even realize.
May we go into this day,
   knowing that Your hand
   and Your Presence
is over the mighty 
           and the weak.
Reveal to us today
  not just what to do
but how to abide in You,
and go forth
      in Your name.

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