Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Whether Favor or Storm


He set himself
      to seek God...
and as long as he
   sought the LORD,
God made him prosper.

        2 Chronicles 26. 5

(He did not seek prosperity
      as the end result,
but he sought the LORD,
who impacts both
   the journey and destination.
God orders our ways
not necessarily for
        temporal success
   as we would define it,
but for His reverberating glory
   that far outlasts our lifetimes.
Prosper here means to go well,
to flourish,
to be fit for anything,
    --whether favor or storm--
to accomplish the work given,    
     and to finish well.
 ---always something different
   when we seek God.
Prosperity is not an end in itself,
  but strength and provision,
ready for anything.)

We choose You in this situation.
Guide us into it,
walk with us through it,
restore our souls.
Provide us with what we need
   to bring You glory in this.
Prosperity always means
      abiding in You.
And that signifies
   being fit for anything.

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