Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Whether Favor or Storm


He set himself
      to seek God...
and as long as he
   sought the LORD,
God made him prosper.

        2 Chronicles 26. 5

(He did not seek prosperity
      as the end result,
but he sought the LORD,
who impacts both
   the journey and destination.
God orders our ways
not necessarily for
        temporal success
   as we would define it,
but for His reverberating glory
   that far outlasts our lifetimes.
Prosper here means to go well,
to flourish,
to be fit for anything,
    --whether favor or storm--
to accomplish the work given,    
     and to finish well.
 ---always something different
   when we seek God.
Prosperity is not an end in itself,
  but strength and provision,
ready for anything.)

We choose You in this situation.
Guide us into it,
walk with us through it,
restore our souls.
Provide us with what we need
   to bring You glory in this.
Prosperity always means
      abiding in You.
And that signifies
   being fit for anything.

Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Not Giving Up Anything


And Amaziah said
      to the man of God:
"But what shall we do
  about the hundred talents
that I have given
  to the army of Israel?"
The man of God answered:
"The LORD is able to
    give you much more
    than this."

             2 Chronicles 25. 9

(Sometimes responding to God
means running toward
and sometimes walking away.
Trust Me in this.
God has something much deeper
                 in mind
  of which we may not yet see.
Indeed, that we may not
           ever realize
     His significance in it.
When we respond
   and follow God into it,
we are not giving up anything.
Nothing can compare
    to faithfulness to Him.
We cannot see
    the other side of this.
But we can realize
  a closer walk with Him
changes everything
backward, forward,
   and even in this day.)

Help us to trust You
  in what You have led us to do,
even in what is hard,
even in what we don't understand,
     even in the unexpected.
Fulfill Your eternal designs
   not just in this situation,
                       but in us.
Give us the strength and wisdom
    to direct this appointment to You.
You are able
    to give us much more than
    we can ever imagine,
a deeper relationship with You.
And nothing can compare
                   with that.

Monday, July 29, 2024

Facing the Impossible


Sunday, July 28, 2024

Saddle Up


Saturday, July 27, 2024

For We Rely on You


And Asa cried to the LORD his God,
"O LORD, there is none
       like You to help,
   between the mighty and the weak.
Help us, O LORD our God,
       for we rely on You,
and in Your name we have
  come against this multitude.
O LORD, You are our God;
let not man prevail against You."

             2 Chronicles 14. 11

(Prayer is not letting God
    know our situation,
but recognizing, acknowledging
    and verbalizing
            our need for Him.
"For we rely on You"
  changes how we both
         approach and navigate
         our circumstances.
He is God, and we are not.
He is our God.
Trust Me in this.  Follow Me.
Prayer gives us pause
          to do exactly that.)

We rely on You,
much more than we say,
so much more than
    we even realize.
May we go into this day,
   knowing that Your hand
   and Your Presence
is over the mighty 
           and the weak.
Reveal to us today
  not just what to do
but how to abide in You,
and go forth
      in Your name.

Friday, July 26, 2024

Not I Have To, But I Get To


...praise and ministry...
as the duty of each day required...

            2 Chronicles 8. 14

(These actions, intentions,
         and attitudes
are not a once in a while
but a daily pursuit to praise God
  and to minister to others,
each day a little differently,
according to the needs,
  requirements and opportunities
           on this particular day.
Not "I have to,"
    but "I get to,"
       determines our posture,
changes our view,
impacts our readiness to respond,
      and how we do it.)

May we praise and honor You
   and minister to You
   and those around us
in Your holy name,
for Your Kingdom's sake,
           and for Your glory.
We would do anything for You.
Help us to realize
   that what is before us
   on this ordinary day
       may be exactly that.
Help us to know
  that when we are
  faithful to You
             in the ordinary,
 You strengthen us
      for the extraordinary.

Thursday, July 25, 2024

Being Attentive


If My people
who are called by My name
humble themselves
and pray
and seek My face
and turn from their wicked way,
then I will hear from heaven
and will forgive their sin
     and heal their land.

       2 Chronicles 7. 14

(If we choose to be
     called by His name,
   we should look and act
Humble ourselves,
  not just justify our wrongdoing.
Pray not to our own desires,
  but to the Almighty.
Seek God foremost
   in every situation,
   even this difficulty today.
Being attentive to His way
   and His heart in this.
   not keep on the same path,
same direction, pattern
                and practice.
Does anyone see
      His grace in us?
Or our willingness
        to seek Him?)

We walk into this day,
not just bearing Your name,
but in order that
  all the peoples of the earth
  may know Your name.
Align our hearts with Yours
    in all that we do, say,
    tackle, work out, approach
    and navigate today.
Give us Your strength
   to be a witness
            of Your grace,
courage to do what is right,
and the faithfulness
    to pray and seek You,
not just a way through
  but walking with You.

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

The Aim, Purpose and Means of Doing It order that we may
    bear fruit for God.

               Romans 7. 4

(Right where God leads,
exactly what He has
     laid before us,
  no insignificant details,
  nothing extraneous,
  nothing random,
among whom we are,
in what we are skilled
  and in what we are not,
convenient or a hassle,
comfortable or
        incredibly difficult,
may we sow, nourish,
and be very aware
   of every opportunity
to bear fruit for God,
even in what will only appear
   far beyond our lifetimes.
We can never know
  what abundance God is bringing.
The phrase in order to means
  with the aim, for the purpose,
  and as a means of doing it.
He provides the aim,
   the purpose and the means.
God always multiplies
   willingness and faithfulness
way beyond measure.)

Help us to direct our situation
      right to You,
knowing that You have
  strategically positioned us
for such a time, place,
   and purpose in this.
Empower us to
   walk differently into this day,
not just in our words and work,
    but with a fresh heart
and an attitude
     that brings You glory
and bears every kind of fruit.

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

God is not a genie with three wishes


Monday, July 22, 2024

Can't Do It Without You Too


...and I made preparations
           for building.

         1 Chronicles 28.2

(In God's kingdom,
 in His purposes,
 in His work,
each one of us is vital
     to do our part.
We are all anointed
             and appointed,
sometimes to hit the last nail,
  to bring the work
  to completion.
Sometimes to come
    alongside others to help,
    assist, encourage,
    or hold a board in place.
Sometimes with no recognition
    to prepare, gather,
         cut up the veggies,
 for someone else
       to pull it all together.
Are we seeking our own glory
     or the glory of God in this?
May we acknowledge the quiet ones,
even to be one of the quiet ones,
   behind the scenes,
     who do the heavy lifting,
the thousands of faithful ones 
 who prepare
  for the wellbeing of others
  and take joy in serving God.
That's what the Body does.
God says, "We can't do it
        without you too.")

Help us to approach this work
  with a willing heart
to contribute what we are able
  for Your kingdom.
Help us to realize there are
    no small acts
         of faithfulness
    or singular heroes.
And indeed, what is most valuable
    may be the most invisible
                   to our eyes,
   but extraordinary in Yours.
Grant to us the eyes and heart
   not just to pitch in,
   or play our part,
but to bring You glory
in whatever You place
     in our hands today.
Let not pride handicap us,
but let Your grace
      saturate it all.

Sunday, July 21, 2024

Not Just a Repair Job


When the LORD restores....

         Psalm 14. 7

(The word restores does not
appear as future tense
  --something in the
unforeseeable time to come--
   but first person present.
Past, present and future
  are intimately woven.
God is incredibly already at work,
  not just in the process,
  but in the completion.
God does not just repair
  and glue together
  the broken fragments.
God redeems.)

We pray not for restoration,
    but pray to You.
We cannot know
      how the pieces unfold
      or are divinely fit together,
  the visible, the unseen,
  even what does not yet exist.
But we can know
           and trust You.
Your redeeming
   is never limited just to us.
Please help us
  to keep our eyes on You.
Even in this.

Saturday, July 20, 2024

Bubbling Up


Thursday, July 18, 2024

Learning how to Breathe Differently


Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Not on our Own


And the LORD gave
   victory to David
wherever he went.

 1 Chronicles 18. 6, 13

(The ancient Hebrew word
          for victory
is defined by
   the LORD helped David.
It further means to save,
to liberate, to enlarge,
to make wide, spacious
          and abundant.
David did not face
  these overwhelming situations
  on his own.
The LORD helped him.
And David knew it.
David sought not to win
  but sought the LORD.
God always shows us
  a different way through
when we walk with Him in it.
The word wherever
  is not restricted to
  a specific physical location,
  but in anything and everything.
Even in this.)

We all struggle with something.
And we all need You.
Help us not just in the journey
     or the many outcomes,
but to seek You
   even before we take a step.
Guide us in how we approach
      these difficulties,
      the miry bogs,
      this rocky path,
      these impossible people,
and how to navigate Your way
   right in the midst.
Show us, O LORD,
      how to walk with You
in a way that brings You the glory.

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Direct it to Me


Monday, July 15, 2024

The Incredible Lord of Bursting Through


And David said,
"God has broken through
my enemies by my hand,
   like a bursting flood.
Therefore the name
of that place is called

       1 Chronicles 14. 11

(Baal-perazim in Hebrew
literally means
the Lord of breaking through.
And that is the God
          we worship,
not trusting in a
   change of circumstances
   but in Him.
God does not just show up.
He equips us for many
       years beforehand
through every experience
of following, responding
       and trusting Him.
God goes out before us
             and behind us.
We can trust Him
  backwards and forwards.
God bursts through
  our impenetrable walls
and all that is overwhelming.
He shows us
   a different way through.)

Please help us
     to know Your Presence
     in the situations we face.
Help us to turn to You first
  and follow You
        into Your purposes
    and designs
    and wonders.
Form Your strength in us.
Grant to us Your courage
   in the impossible.
Burst through, Almighty One,
  not just in what is visible
                but eternal.
May the sake 
         of Your holy name
    energize us.

Sunday, July 14, 2024

Practicing Peace in Impossible Situations


Peace, peace to you,
and peace to your helpers!
For your God helps you.

        1 Chronicles 12. 18

(Peace does not hinge
on an absence of conflict,
but another way through it,
a sense of well-being
that pervades even in
   the midst of trouble.
And that comes from
recognizing God's help,
  strength and Presence.
Have we prayed over
     this situation first
to seek His way in this?)

There are so many forces
   around us that try
   to keep us from You.
No matter the trouble,
please use this situation
   to form something new
and fresh and different
                  in us.
Help us to practice
         the art of peace
  in impossible situations.
Build Your strength
    layer upon layer
that we would already know
how to bring Your name here.
You are our peace.
   On You we can depend.
And You have made us
  for Your glory,
even in --or especially in--
   the midst of hardship.
Show us Your different way
    right through this day.

Saturday, July 13, 2024

God's Way Through the Chaos


He did not seek
  guidance from the LORD.

           1 Chronicles 10. 14

(And then we wonder
       what went wrong?
Ignoring, avoiding,
    turning away from God
    never ends well.
Neither the journey
            nor the outcome
   can ever be the same.
We need always to ask:
    Am I walking with God
    through this situation?
God enlarges our minds
    to approach and navigate
He alters our hearts
   to grasp the unexpected
and see another way in this,
   His deeper vision and
     incredible purposes.
And provides His strength
    far beyond our own.)

We seek not just Your guidance,
   but we seek You.
Help us to follow You
   in whatever is before us,
whether bushwhacking
      through the thicket
or staying in our lane.
Synchronize our thoughts
      with Yours
that we may walk differently
        into this day.

Friday, July 12, 2024

Rest Stops


Thursday, July 11, 2024

Inscribed in Every Moment


Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Go Differently Into This Day


Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Others are Listening


The following night,
the Lord stood by him
and said,
"Take courage,
for as you have testified
to the facts about Me
       in Jerusalem,
so you must also
       testify in Rome."

                Acts 23.11

(God has strategically placed
   each one of us
on this sacred ground
             and time
to bring His name here
  and live out the gospel.
Every opportunity
    that we bear witness
    and share our faith
God strengthens us
            for the next
and gives someone else
  the freedom to do the same.
Even when we are unaware,
   others are listening
   and impacted for eternity.
We are nourished
      by our experience.
God enlarges our hearts
            for other people.
We see and respond
    with a new energy.)

Make us aware.
Help us to pay attention
   to the needs of souls
   all around us.
Reveal to us how to respond
    and love others
            right to You.
Grant us the courage
  to speak of You
even in unexpected places
    and to unlikely people.
Help us to tell stories
   of Your love, grace
and faithfulness to us
so others can know
        Who You are.

Monday, July 8, 2024

Work, Word, and Witness


Sunday, July 7, 2024

Wherever He Places Us


And Gedaliah swore to them
   and their men, saying,
"Do not be afraid
because of the Chaldean officials.
Live in the land
and serve the king of Babylon,
and it shall be well with you."

              2 Kings 23. 24

(Being faithful to God
  wherever He places us,
even in the strange,
unfamiliar and uncomfortable,
even in enemy territory,
to be a witness there
in word, deed and attitude.
Infiltrate the culture
    for God's Kingdom.
Don't be like them,
but show them
  life can be very different.)

Help us to know
that every morning
we are going
     into the ministry.
You have given us opportunity
   to be a witness here,
to love others
         right into Your arms,
to let Your Word seep into
every dimension of our lives.
Help us to live in such a way
  that others are compelled
to ask why.
And that would be
        Your love and grace.

Saturday, July 6, 2024

Every Which Way We Can


Friday, July 5, 2024

With All Our Stuff


Thus says the LORD,
the God of David your father,
"I have heard your prayer.
I have seen your tears.
Behold, I will heal you."

          2 Kings 20. 5

(We are seen.
We are heard.
We are so deeply loved.
When we pray,
it is not just that
   God sees and hears us,
but through prayer,
we are able to see and
   hear God's response.
He opens our eyes
    to something different.
He enlarges our hearts
    to recognize Him.
Prayer is not just about
        speaking to God,
but listening to Him.
God always hears us.
Are we paying attention
              to Him?
God responds
with a compassionate heart,
   in a lot of unexpected ways.
May we not miss Him.)

Thank you for inventing prayer
   that we can come to You,
and we can come before You
       to know You more.
Help us to not hold back
  the things that concern us,
that which we fear
             or worry about,
that which distracts us
        from trusting You.
Abide in us this day.
Help us to confide in You.
Help us to listen.

Thursday, July 4, 2024

Pray or Dismay


Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Holding Fast


For he held fast to the LORD.
He did not depart
          from following Him,
but kept the commandments
that the LORD commanded Moses.
And the LORD was with him.
Wherever he went out,
           he prospered.

             2 Kings 18. 6-7

(What is the one thing?
For he held fast 
             to the LORD.
Being faithful to God
  wherever He places us.
As St. Patrick prayed,
"Binding ourselves to Him."
That changes everything:
how we approach our day,
how we navigate
     hard stuff and the joys,
what we do, what we say,
the way we pursue,
how we view circumstances,
   ourselves, others
              and God Himself.
God changes
     the course of our lives.)

Please help us
  to hold fast to You
when so much is
   trying to distract
   and pull us away.
May we take Your hand
   and walk with You.
Guide us into this day.
Empower us
     not just to be faithful
but to know how
       to do that.
Grant to us
   a different way through this
that we may be a witness
     even in the ordinary,
especially in the unexpected.
Help us to know
        Your strong hold on us.

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Out of the Ordinary


And God was doing
extraordinary miracles
by the hands of Paul.

            Acts 19. 11

(God works
far beyond what we can know,
or imagine,
or maybe even ever see.
   And we can trust God
that He is doing extraordinary things
                 through us.
 Present tense,
using our hands and our hearts
  to accomplish His wonders
  through our ordinary endeavors.
We have just to be faithful
        on this sacred ground.)

Please make us sensitive
      to Your leading and purposes,
even in what we consider
           only as ordinary.
Enlarge our vision
  to know that You are at work.
You are always at work
   through every good endeavor.
May we bless You this day.
And may You bless others
   all around through us,
dripping with astonishing deeds,
    done only by Your mighty hand,
whether recognized as 
        a miracle straight from You
       or out of our love for You
There is no insignificant faithfulness.

Monday, July 1, 2024

Arrows of Victory


Then Elisha said, "Shoot,"
           and he shot.
And he said,
"The LORD's arrow of victory..."

             2 Kings 13. 17

(When we follow
      God's direction in this,
even when it doesn't appear
           to make sense,
God brings His victory
in unlikely and unexpected ways.
He releases
            His arrow of victory.
There are no small victories,
      only eternal ones.
There are no small obediences.
We may not be able
      to see the outcome,
but we can trust Him into it.
Victory is not about winning
    but being faithful.
Victory is not redefined,
   but what is being redeemed.)

We pray as You guide us
    into this day
    or into this fray.
Help us to claim for You
  whatever You have
  put before us.
It is not about success
           or failure,
but what You do with it.
Soak our situations
     with Your glory.
Empower us to bring
   Your grace and mercy
into volatile circumstances,
that all concerned
   will know You are here.