Saturday, June 15, 2024

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...for the name of the LORD,
   the God of Israel.

              1 Kings 8. 17

(What we do for His holy name.
What we do in His holy name.
May we write in indelible ink
    His name at the top of the page,
    the start of the day,
    the beginning of something
       and what God brings about.
His name and His glory
   changes the journey, the outcome,
   and our hearts in this.
When His name is inscribed over it.
   nothing can remain the same.
What is different when we pray first?
When we commit to Him
this time, place, work, 
            and even this dilemma?

We come before You
          for Your holy name
    and in Your holy name
that You would bring Your glory
   to whatever we do.
Write Your Name all over it.
Please help us
  to not just be mindful of You
in this day opening up
  but bear the mind of Christ,
no matter what is
          on our path,
     or in our hands.
This is a day that You have made.
May we rejoice
             with You in it.
We are so grateful
  that we can spend it with You.


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