Tuesday, June 4, 2024

And God Enlarges Our Hearts Instead


And the king said to Shimei,
"You shall not die."

              2 Samuel 19. 23

(No matter how we are treated,
may God grant to us
the measure, margin,
   mindset and courage
to respond with acts
     and attitudes of grace.
Grace does not ignore the hurt,
but covers it with healing,
infiltrates it with forgiveness,
and enlarges our hearts instead.
How can we navigate
    our volatile relationships?
    (We all have them.)
Jesus always shows
     another way through it
with eternal reverberations.)

Help us to love and extend grace
    to the difficult people.
        Of which we are too,
   and You loved us anyway.
Pour Your grace and healing
     over these hard situations
     and strained relationships
that we may think and act
     with Your radical
     and unexpected love
          and the mind of Christ.
Do something extraordinary with it.
People are always watching us
   to see if You have really changed us.
May we see these circumstances
   as a way to practice grace.

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