Saturday, June 8, 2024

The Thrill of Victory and the Agony of Defeat


And the LORD brought about
a great victory that day......

                 2 Samuel 23. 10

(God does not just show up
            in our hard places,
     impossible situations, and
     overwhelming circumstances.
He is already here,
              ready and waiting,
   for us to trust Him,
   turn to Him, pray with Him,
   serve, follow Him,
and worship Him even in this.
We have just to be faithful,
           listen and respond.
His victories are more powerful
             than we are aware.
And in what appears as defeat,
            even in that God redeems.
Whether the thrill of victory,
              or the agony of defeat,
    God enlarges His reach,
    and God multiplies His glory.)

Help us to realize that
   You don't need our successes
    for You to be glorified.
We can trust that You
        are already bringing
        Your victory to this
   in ways we cannot yet see.
Help us to be faithful
    in following You.
And to know that
   Your outcomes are never singular.

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