Tuesday, June 18, 2024

No Kindness is Ever Random


If you will be  a servant
   to this people today
and serve them,
and speak good words to them
   when you answer them,
then they will be
   your servants forever.

                1 Kings 12. 7

(We may not know what to do
     or how to handle a situation,
but we can always be kind.
How we respond
             --instead of react--
   always changes the outcome.
Unexpected kindness and grace
  nurtures the relationship
  far more than we can comprehend.
Words are non-returnable.
               Choose carefully.)

Please place a gate over our lips
   that only kind words
   can get through.
Help us to bring Your grace
   and peace and kindness
to volatile situations
and everyday encounters
with those we know,
 strangers, and even those
     who stand against us.
May Your love prevail,
soak our very words,
and change our hearts in this.

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