Friday, June 28, 2024

Run for Your Lives!


Then open the door
             and flee.
Do not linger.

            2 Kings 9. 3

(Sometimes God says go.
Sometimes He says
   stay right where we are.
Sometimes to flee for our lives.
May we learn to respond to God
   when the stakes seem low
   and when our choices
         don't seem to matter.
Because then we know
  how to obey
  when it does matter.
And most often,
we don't know the difference.
Obedience even in
     the smallest details
reverberates for generations.
What only looks like
a tiny response may save our lives
      or someone else.
There are no small obediences.)

Sharpen our hearing
      to Your voice,
guide our eyes,
shape our thoughts
as we move in this day,
  that we would
  follow You into it.
Direct our thoughts
and strengthen our response
     to Your leading.
Align our hearts to Yours.
Help us to know
   that it all matters.

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