Sunday, June 16, 2024

No Explanation Needed


Now an angel of the Lord
         said to Philip,
"Rise and go toward the south
   to the road that goes down
   from Jerusalem to Gaza."
This is a desert place.
And he rose and went.

              Acts 8. 26-27

(You want me to go where?
   You want me to do what?
Obedience to God
   does not require Him
   to explain to us
   the immediate
            or the eternal.
When we respond to Him,
God's purposes may not
  even be revealed then,
but are already set into motion.
"Trust Me in this"
   is the lifeblood of the faithful.
In this biblical situation,
   as in our own,
       God's timing is precise.
Delayed obedience
  is the same as

Please help as we listen
        for You and to You
that we will be ready to roll
     at Your call.
Enlarge our hearts
that we may not question
   a desert place
   or fertile soil.
It is all sacred ground to You.
And Your purposes
   reach far deeper than
   we can ever imagine.
Empower us
    to rise and run
    at Your word.

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