Friday, June 14, 2024

Not Have To, But I Get To


Its thickness
   was a handbreadth,
and its brim was made
like the brim of a cup,
like the flower of a lily.

          1 Kings 7. 26

(Not just doing the work
         before us,
but going that extra mile,
adding something more to it
-- the "I didn't have to,"
    but "I get to" details.
Pursuing that little bit more
   to bring order out of chaos,
   and beauty to the practical.
Not just doing a job,
     but bringing glory to God,
   in which there is
                no ordinary work.
Not just getting it done,
  but putting our heart in it.
Not just filling a crack,
  but transforming the broken.)

You place opportunities before us
       every day to bring You glory.
Help us to see
        not just tasks to complete,
    but as a way to worship You.
Empower us to bring beauty
          and Your strength to it
   to encourage others
   and point them to You.
Even if no one seems to notice
    our extra efforts,
You redeem in some way
        or a million.

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