Monday, June 10, 2024

The Stickiness of Words


Gracious words are
        like honeycomb,
sweetness to the soul
and health to the body.

           Proverbs 16. 24

(Gracious words do not just
   suddenly appear
   in our vocabulary,
but thrive in the work of our hearts.
Like a honeycomb,
  nectar is gathered and prepared,
intentional in producing
   what is sweet and healing.
Gracious words
  are not a pretense to "be nice,"
  but intentional in well-being.
Even one gracious word
        in unlikely circumstances,
   surprises everyone
   with an unexpected gift.
And prepares our hearts
    to be ready for the next hard situation.
Gracious words are
        appropriate for all occasions,
  neither earned or deserved,
but always what heals and strengthens.
Practice grace in this.
A friend told a story about a young man
   who had really messed up.
He dreaded his mom's wrath.
And when she responded unexpectedly
           with gracious words,
   it changed not just his behavior,
                  but his heart.
Gracious words are in it
          for the long game.)

As You have extended 
      so much grace to us,
empower us with the words
  to cover this situation with 
               Your grace.
Help us to be sensitive
and aware of opportunities
to practice grace in this.
Change our hearts
   and our intentions
to bring Your sweetness
  with buckets full of gracious words.

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