Sunday, June 23, 2024

Forecast: A Little Cloudy


And he said to his servant,
"Go up now,
      look toward the sea."
And he went up and looked
and said, "There is nothing."
And he said, "Go again,"
                seven times.
And at the seventh time he said,
"Behold, a little cloud
like a man's hand
        is rising from the sea."

                1 Kings 18. 43-44

(Perseverance in prayer
does not change God
              or the outcome,
but in the process,
   through the act of praying,
           God changes us.
We see differently
We respond differently.
We learn to trust Him more.
If we didn't pray,
would we even see
            that little cloud
    of God's redeeming?)

You grant to us
    little clouds of hope
    and encouragement,
even in the midst of drought,
even seven times
            or seventy,
    before we see anything.
Please help us
   to keep our eyes on You
in abundance or in need,
clear skies or dark clouds,
knowing that
        You are with us.
May we not look for an answer,
      but seek You.
Even in this,
even in what we don't understand,
   You give us Your strength
   to endure.
Enlarge our vision
              and our hearts
that we may serve You,
as a witness to others
    and a delight to You today.
May others wonder
  at Your joy and hope in us.

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