Sunday, June 2, 2024

The Ultimate Win-Win Situation


And God gave victory to David
wherever he went.

               2 Samuel 8.6

(This verse is not about
      winning or losing,
      success or failure.
But when we are faithful
          in following God,
something very different unfolds
     wherever we go
     and in whatever we do.
The Hebrew word successful
    means to make wide and spacious,
    make sufficient, defend.
God enlarges the situation
      with His steadfast love.
He changes us.
What is eternally more at stake
   than a winning score
   is that we know He is God,
              and we are not.
His glory comes in all shapes,
     sizes and appearances.
By much and by little,
     God reveals His Presence.
Not by our own skill and greatness,
              but in His.)

As we go into this day,
please help us to focus
     differently on You,
 not seeing this situation as a win or lose,
     but a conversation 
     and opportunity to be faithful to You.
May we bring Your grace
          and healing here.
Being faithful, obedient,
   and responding to You
always changes the outcome.
Please help us to love others
   right into Your embrace.
You bring Your impossible victory,
   even to our hearts.
And that is always a win.



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