Saturday, June 1, 2024

Homesick for What Can Be


How can a young man
     keep his way pure?
By guarding it
  according to Your Word...
I have stored up Your Word
          in my heart,
that I might not sin 
               against You.

            Psalm 119. 9, 11

(It is beyond any of us
   to live a fully moral life.
God's Word is not just
     a protective shield
               over our hearts.
God's Word changes our hearts.
Daily reading, listening, responding,
   alters our appetites,
   adjusts our affections,
   reorders our thoughts,
   heals, provides, nourishes,
rearranges the course of our day
     and the trajectory of our lives.
Are we intentionally storing up
    God's Word in our hearts?
It does not remain there void.
It cannot help but
       infiltrate every part of us:
how we respond to God,
see circumstances,
approach difficulties,
treat others,
and show the world
   a different way to live.
Make others homesick
        for what can be.)

Grant to us a desire for Your Word.
As we open Your scriptures,
   enlarge our hearts and souls.
We cannot understand it all,
    but we can understand something.
Provide to us a take-away verse,
      or passage, or even a word,
   to strengthen us through this day.
Infiltrate, invade, infect our hearts
   with Your life-changing Word.
Fill us with desire
          not just to read it,
but to live it outloud.
Help us today
   to do something different
  and unexpected
            as a result.

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