...their brothers the Levites
helped them,
until the work
was finished.
2 Chronicles 29. 34
(Am I willing
to come alongside others
to help?
In the eyes of those
who seek God,
all is ministry,
nothing beneath us,
nothing too great,
never "not my job"
or "not my gift."
We work
and worship together
in every capacity
and dimension of ministry.
The strength of fellowship
and the church
is being willing
to be used by Him.)
Help us to seize
moments of ministry
as they unfold before us
and as we see need
all around us,
even in what
is not labeled as ministry.
Use us for Your Kingdom
and glory
to bind wounds,
bring grace
to volatile situations,
wash feet or dishes
or pick up a mess.
Even if no one
ever sees us,
let them be pointed to You
and Your glory revealed.