Monday, May 20, 2024

What We Bring to the Table

And thus you shall greet him:
"Peace be to you,
and peace be to your house,
and peace be
     to all that you have."

             1 Samuel 25. 6

(What if we greet others
       like that?
What if we had
     that attitude and heart
  toward those we know
  and even utter strangers?
God places people on our path,
not just for a reason or purpose,
         but for His glory.
There are no random encounters,
              only divine ones.)

 May we be the ones
   who bring peace to the table,
   peace to the troubled,
   peace in unexpected places.
May our words and deeds
             and attitudes
be a blessing to others
    and bless Your holy name.
Help us to approach
    the situation before us
    and the people you place
                   in our lives
with the mind of Christ
     and Your radical grace.
You are the God of shalom.
May Your peace mark our
     comings and goings.


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