Saturday, May 25, 2024

Seen Too Much to Question God in This


Therefore that place was called
      the Rock of Escape.

                 1 Samuel 23. 28

(Sometimes we find ourselves
     not just in difficult circumstances,
     but as David discovered,
literally between
             a rock and a hard place.
But David once again
     trusted God.
David had seen too much
       to question God in this.
We can too.
We know God specializes in
        impossible situations
   that we may know Him more.
And God reveals Himself in ways
   not able to occur or even exist
   without divine intervention.
His glory is evident
   and beyond explanation,
             if not for His hand.
We can look to Him
   not just for deliverance,
but to experience yet another
          story of His faithfulness.
Sometimes His deliverance
    takes the form of escape.
Sometimes God keeps us
             right where we are.
Trust Me in this.)

You did not promise us
       an easy life,
but that You are with us
      in this broken world.
You grant us Your strength.
You help us to see
      differently in tight places.
You bring Your glory to this.
Please help us
      to be faithful to You
even today,
even between this rock
   and hard place.
We find You already here.

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