Tuesday, May 21, 2024

The Most Unlikely of All


But when Jesus heard it, 
He said,
"This illness does not
               lead to death.
It is for the glory of God,
so that
the Son of God may be
   glorified through it."

              John 11.4

(Fill in the blank:
this sickness, hardship,
dilemma, utter failure,
difficulty or dead end.
So that
--in order to bring about,
unfold a new design,
cover over, emerge,
take place by divine appointment--
      God is glorified in it.
Nothing is random about it.
It doesn't take our victories
       to bring Him glory,
just our faithfulness to Him.
God has a million purposes
       up His sleeve
    that we may never realize.
Even in this.)

Please help us to see
what is before us this day
     with fresh eyes
     and a new heart.
Grant to us the strength
      and wisdom to know
that You are in this
and You are glorified
    all over the unexpected.
Empower us to
      be faithful to you today,
even in what we don't
             yet understand.
You walk with us
    in the hard stuff
    and the mysteries.
Be glorified through us
  in unlikely ways today.

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