Friday, May 10, 2024

Increasing and Decreasing


He must increase,
but I must decrease.

            John 3. 30

(This is the point when Jesus
   becomes more than our Savior.
           He becomes our Lord.
What do I desire in this situation--
    His glory or mine,
    His way or mine,
    His purposes or mine,
to know Him more
    and make Him known?
It is not a matter of being
        under His Lordship,
   but invited into it.
Selflessness creeps in
and infiltrates our choices,
words, deeds, responses,
        and attitudes.)

Please help us not just be aware,
      but pay attention
      and to learn how to respond
     to Your increasing presence 
                                 in our lives.
Empower us to make
     those little choices to follow You,
that never turn out
          to be little at all.
May we be a witness today
   to everyone around us
that they wonder what is different in us.
      And that would be You.

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