Thursday, May 16, 2024

The Stories We Tell


They said to the woman,
"It is no longer
because of what you said
           that we believe,
for we have heard for ourselves,
and we know that this is indeed
    the Savior of the world."

                    John 4. 42

(It no longer remained 
               someone else's story
   but now they too knew
Because this woman
    had the courage to share
    about her encounter with Jesus,
all those around her realized
   who Jesus was
   and desired to know Him too.
What we say will not save a person,
   but we can share what we know 
                   and Whom we know.
We can never realize
            who is listening
                and who will respond.
Someday it will really surprise us.
God has given each of us
  a story to point others to Him.)

Grant to us the courage to speak up.
Help us to not just be aware
    of opportunities to bear witness,
but to realize that our lives, deeds,
and words testify
                       to Your grace.
Use us for Your Kingdom's sake.
Help those around us
   to hear with their own ears
   and see with their own eyes
   and know with their own hearts
that You are
        the God who loves them.

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