Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Dirty Feet


He laid aside His outer garments,
and taking a towel,
tied it around His waist.
Then He poured water into a basin,
and began to wash
    the disciples' feet
and to wipe them with the towel
that was wrapped around Him.

                     John 13. 4-5

(What are we bringing to the party,
what are we bringing into
            our volatile situations?
What does feet-washing look like
         in our day today?
Are we willing to get on our knees
      for someone else
      who doesn't deserve it
        or maybe won't even notice?
Jesus shows us how to love others
      and treat them with grace.,
how to walk into a situation
   and navigate relationships.
How can we love others
   with even the smallest kindnesses
   that point souls to God.
Bring a towel and basin to it.
Wash feet.
God is glorified by acts of
             unexpected grace.)

Please help us to pay attention
   to opportunities to serve You
   by loving others
            in unlikely ways.
Remind us to walk prepared.
Nudge us in the moment
       to be both a blessing
       and a witness.
Stir us to act in ways
   what we have not considered before.
May Your glory spill all over it.

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