Thursday, May 30, 2024

Extraordinary Grace in Volatile Situations


Then Abner called to Joab,
"Shall the sword devour forever?

                 2 Samuel 2. 26

(It doesn't have to be this way.
We all have troubled
   relationships and situations.
But as Christ-followers,
   we can respond differently
   and in unexpected ways.
Revenge, violence, bitterness,
a lack of forgiveness, and
ammunition from past transgressions
           never end well.
But a change in our hearts
    can change the stakes.
God reveals a different way to live.
What are we bringing to the table?
May we be the first to extend
     an unexpected olive branch
         --an undeserved one.
Bring healing and peace instead
   to someone who
   doesn't deserve it.
It may be rejected or ignored,
  but it is an act of forgiveness
     on our part of the equation.
That changes everything.
Sometimes the fruit takes
   a long time to come forth.
But an orchard has been planted.
Make them homesick
      for what can be.)

Please help us to
   live differently in volatile places
   or even among those
       who choose animosity.
May we be the ones
    who live in Your grace.
Empower us with Your love
   to respond differently.
And to love
    as we have been loved by You.
No one wins an argument.
But everyone is impacted by grace.
What is the one thing?
That You are glorified, even in this.
Even in how we love others
         right to You.

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