Saturday, February 8, 2025

You Betcha


...because they tested the LORD
by saying,
    "Is the LORD among us
     or not?"

            Exodus 17. 7

(Our mindset or heart posture
radically change
how we see God,
how we approach
   and navigate circumstances,
if we trust God,
or if we sap our strength,
   step in the minefields,
   or take a wrong turn
             by grumbling.
Questioning if God is with us
alters our journey,
how we endure,
what shoes we wear,
what we carry with us,
and how we respond
    to God and others.
Trusting Him does too
   in a very different way
---abiding, walking, loving us
       in the now and next.
God is right here with us,
   past, present, future tense.
 That is reality. We are not alone.
Is the LORD among us?
As they say in Minnesota,
        you betcha.)

Please help us to realize 
that the real question is
     not are You among us,
but You asking us,
          Are you with Me?"
 Trusting You
leads us on a different journey.
Make our paths straight
              to You.
We may not understand
   our hard circumstances,
   odd happenings,
or where You are leading us,
   but You are here with us.
On that,
    we can stake our lives.
You are not about
    to abandon us now.

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