...and wrote on it an inscription
like the engraving of a signet,
"Holy to the LORD."
Exodus 39. 30
(What if we had the mindset,
the heart, and willingness
not just to acknowledge
our work as worship,
but to engrave
His name on it,
carving permanently into it
to Whom it belongs?
Whatever we do,
Holy to the LORD,
means nothing too small
and everything sacred.
The usefulness of
most complicated things
comes down to
the smallest faithfulness.
But the practical is not
all that is profound.
Beauty is found in
the faintest rhythms,
His holiness covering
everything we do.)
Help us to realize that
our work is just
one of the ways we worship.
May everything we do
not just matter,
but bring You glory.
Write Your name all over it,
because it is Yours.
May our efforts and intentions
stretch Your goodness
over all the earth.
Remind us,
even in all we do today.
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