When Pharoah let the people go,
God did not lead them by way
of the land of the Philistines,
although that was near.
For God said,
"Lest the people change their minds
when they see war
and return to Egypt."
But God led the people around
by the way of the wilderness
toward the Red Sea.
Exodus 13. 17-18
(Our idea of a better way
cannot match up
to God's purposes in it.
He protects us
from our ignorance.
He brings His glory
in ways we cannot see.
There is not just a reason for it,
but eternal purposes in it.
The point of no return
is exactly where we need to be
to trust Him in this.
God knows what is ahead,
what we are capable of doing,
and most likely not to do.
When we follow God
into our situation
--even what appears a wilderness--
there is always more at stake
than we can realize.
Trust Me in this.)
Please forgive us for telling You,
the Master of the Universe,
what would be
a better route to go,
a preferable thing to do,
or even what could
bring You glory.
We are distracted
from the eternal.
Help us to follow You
past the point of no return
that we may know You more.
We may never see
the multitude of outcomes,
but we can be faithful to You,
even here, even now,
and even in this.
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