But for You, O LORD,
do I wait.
It is You, O LORD my God,
who will answer.
Psalm 38. 15
(Do we wait on the LORD
or barge right through?
Do we even give God
the space to squeeze in,
enter and move?
Answering is not
the only action verb here.
But listening, waiting,
watching and responding.
Waiting is not at all about
God's ability to act.
His answers don't fit
on the short dotted line we allot,
but a shelf of 800-page volumes
would not be enough.
It is, perhaps, on us
that He waits
to get a word in edgewise.)
Please grant us
not just the strength
to wait,
but how to wait.
You never meant
for waiting to be
a passive verb,
but a passage through.
Waiting is being aware
of Your Presence
and dwelling in it
in unexpected places,
when we would rather be
somewhere else.
Please help us
to trust You
in Your divine appointments,
Your precise timing, and
Your strategic positioning,
for Your glory.
You have shown us
that waiting is not about
what is next
but what is eternal.
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