And rising very early in the morning,
while it was still dark,
He departed and went out
to a desolate place,
and there He prayed.
Mark 1. 35
(Spending time with Jesus
first thing in the morning
--finding and making time--
radically changes
the trajectory of our day,
far more than we know.
A recalibrated heart changes
what we see,
what we feel,
what we pursue,
and how we respond to God,
to others and to circumstances.
Not just having a better attitude,
but having the strength
to take a higher road
through it.
We can't afford
not to pray.)
Wake us early
with a desire to meet with You.
Soften our hearts
and change our minds
that we would walk
differently into this day.
Help us to not just be
aware of You,
but mindful of You
in whatever we do,
in every divine appointment,
and every sacred encounter.
Enter in.
Infiltrate our hearts
with Your Spirit.
May others see the
difference in us.
May we see it even more.
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