Thursday, February 20, 2025

When We Don't Know


And immediately
they left their nets
and followed Him.

          Mark 1. 18

(Jesus did not give them
a full itinerary.
They had no idea
    what following Him meant.
Nor do we.
Are we willing to leave behind
        and follow Jesus?
Are we willing to stay
    right where we are
    and be faithful?
We may not realize what
         God is up to
or to what or where
    He is leading us,
but we can trust Him.
"God gives us the desire
to follow Him
into specific callings,
and the faith to pursue them
without knowing
      all the particulars."
  --Why Everything That Matters,
     Matters So Much)

We thank You that
we don't have to know everything
     to lead a faithful life,
just to trust You in it,
even in the stuff
       we don't understand.
Help us to lift our eyes to You,
and to allow ourselves
         to be led
into Your wonders
     and beyond ourselves.

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