...the seed sprouts
and grows,
he knows not how.
Mark 4. 27
(We scatter the seed,
nurture our patch of ground,
water, and pull up weeds,
but God brings His growth,
sometimes fruit
we don't even recognize,
and casts His glory all over it.
We have no idea
how He will use us,
planting a seasonal crop
or a forest of Sequoias.
But we can be faithful.
Right here,
in the now
and in what is about to emerge.)
You change the landscape
of our circumstances.
You have placed us
in these situations
to repair and restore
and scatter seeds
of hope and grace.
No ground is too hard or fallow
that cannot bear fruit.
And only You can bring it.
Redeem, Almighty One,
our work for Your glory,
even when we
don't know how.
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