Tuesday, February 11, 2025

What Happens In The Waiting Room


Be strong,
and let your heart
          take courage,
all you who
  wait for the LORD!

          Psalm 31. 24

(It doesn't require strength
   and courage
   to wait on the LORD.
But it takes
         waiting on the LORD
to grow His strength
    and courage in us.
And that is when
      we are able to
           walk differently.
Not just stronger,
            but not alone.)

Help us to seek You
in our time of need,
not try to drum up
    a feeble confidence
    of our own making.
Enlarge our hearts
  so that we can
  absorb Your strength.
Help us to wait,
   not for a situation to change,
    but to wait on You.
Help us to realize
that courage doesn't mean
    there is nothing to fear.
But knowing that we can go forth
into the fray
         or an ordinary day,
   because You are with us.
Even in this.

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