Thursday, February 27, 2025

How We Say Yes


And He answered them,
     "You give them
       something to eat...
How many loaves
    do you have?
             Go and see."
And when they found out,
they said, "Five and two fish."

             Mark 6. 37-38

(We pray for God
        to guide and provide.
And in turn,
God reveals that
He has already
      supplied the answer
   for us to unpack.
When we respond and go forth,
we realize God does not just
                 cover a need,
  but multiplies,
    exceeding beyond what we can imagine,
      way more than enough,
        sometimes even with dessert.
Praying enlarges what we see,
   but also what we can do.
When we cry out,
       "Oh, God, do something!"
He replies,
    "That is why I put you there."
What resources
         has He put in our hands?
     Do we even know?)

We see the gaps and needs
    and broken places.
You see the opportunities
  for us to be
          Your hands and feet.
When we pray,
please make us aware of
    how we are saying yes to You.
Grant to us big hearts
    to set many more places
                       at the table.
In Your eyes,
    there is always room for more.
You do not just make it work
    with rolls and two fish,
    but cast Your glory over it.
Help us to not just do
         with what we have,
but create a feast
   in impossible situations.
May our love and grace
be a strong witness
   to everyone around us.
Surprise even us!


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