And Moses said,
"This is the thing
that the LORD commanded
you to do,
that the glory of the LORD
may appear to you."
Leviticus 9. 6
(God does not demand.
He commands.
Demand is to force.
Command is to invite us
to join Him.
Demand is
an impersonal "Do this."
Command is an intimate
"Follow Me."
Command means to appoint,
to set up,
to charge us with His purposes,
most of which we may never know,
but to be faithful anyway.
When we respond to God's leading
in the familiar or unexpected,
something always happens.
God covers it with His glory
and reveals Himself to us,
often in unlikely, improbable,
and unexplainable ways.
And others are impacted too.)
Thank You that You show us
not just a way to go
or what to do,
but You draw us to Yourself.
Appoint us, set it up,
charge us not just
with stuff to do
but to be
in relationship with You.
Spread Your glory
in thick layers
over this day.
Help us to grasp Your Presence.
You do not just show up.
You reveal Yourself.
You are already here.
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