...may those who love Your salvation
say continually,
"Great is the LORD!"
Psalm 40. 16
(God does not just change our hearts.
He enlarges our vocabulary.
Does anyone see
any difference in us
in how we speak,
how we respond,
even what we talk about?
What if we said
--in so many words--
"Great is the LORD?"
We rarely acknowledge Him
even among church people.
What if we make others aware
to what God is doing,
engraving His Presence
into our conversations,
allowing God to transform
the trajectory of our chats?
We talk freely about a lot of things.
But do we mention Him?)
May our conversations,
our vocabulary,
our words
bring glory to You.
Nudge us in situations
to speak of You.
We cannot know
how You will use
even an informal chat
to draw someone to You.
Enlarge our vocabulary
and our willingness
to know You
and make You known.