Wednesday, August 7, 2024

We Ain't Seen Nothin' Yet


What no eye has seen,
nor ear heard,
nor the heart imagined,
what God has prepared
  for those who love Him.

           1 Corinthians 2.9
            Isaiah 64. 4

(We ain't seen nothing yet.
We cannot imagine
   nor comprehend the depths
and the wonders of
     His steadfast love,
     goodness and mercy,
even far beyond our lifetimes.
We can trust Him,
        forwards and backwards,
present, past and future tense.
Even the stuff we don't understand,
           God redeems.
We can go forth differently
into this day
knowing this promise.)

Thank You for Your Word
and Your promises that are
   woven throughout scripture.
We do not navigate
   through this life alone.
You do not just walk with us,
  but You prepare our path
                 before us.
You do not just show up.
     You are already here.
Help us to trust You
   even in what we face today.

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