Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Resistance Training

For they all wanted
     to frighten us, 
thinking, “Their hands
will drop from the work, 
and it will not be done.”
But now, O God,
    strengthen my hands. 

Nehemiah 6.9

(Excuses always arise
to not do the work 
God has appointed us,
but always a thousand 
reasons to be faithful.
There is always resistance,
but even more,
His strength to do it.
How do we handle 
the hard stuff?
Do we panic 
or do we interject prayer
into our day,
our conversations,
our complications,
our circumstances?
A friend used to tell me,
Stop, drop and pray.
Right on the spot.
Why are we surprised 
we can’t do this work 
without Him?)

Strengthen our hands
in fulfilling this work
before us,
for Your glory
and in Your name.
Train our heart muscles 
to be faithful to You
and trust You
not just in the outcome,
but every detail 
along the way.
Let even resistance 
serve to strengthen us,
and by Your hand on us
accomplish what appears

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